More posts in “Poll”

A question mark in a circle

Which GNOME Apps Should Ubuntu Include By Default? [Poll]

Should Ubuntu 17.10 ship with more GNOME apps by default? Planning for the next Ubuntu release is now underway, as is debate on the default app selection.

9 June 2017
ubuntu desktop 17.10 survey

The Ubuntu Desktop Team Wants YOUR Feedback

The Ubuntu Desktop team is tasked with transitioning Ubuntu desktop over from Unity to GNOME — and they need your feedback to help them do it.

16 May 2017

How Many Stickers Do You Have on Your Laptop?

Are users of open-source software more likely to stick stickers on the back of laptops? That's what we're aiming to find out in this week's reader poll.

3 May 2017
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Poll: Have You Tried GNOME Shell As a Result of Recent Ubuntu News?

Have you installed, tried or used GNOME Shell as a result of the recent Unity bombshell news? That's what we're asking you in this week's reader poll.

18 April 2017

Ubuntu 17.04 flavors are now available to download, including Ubuntu Budgie

Hatching out alongside Ubuntu 17.04 downloads are images for the rest of the Ubuntu flavors. In post we’ll take look at what’s new in a handful of the flavours, share a few choice screenshots, and give you all […]

13 April 2017
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Are You Happy, Sad or Indifferent to Ubuntu’s Bombshell Announcement?

It's been just over 24 hours since Mark Shuttleworth's bombshell announcement. How are you feeling about the news that Ubuntu is to 'refocus'?

6 April 2017
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How Often Do You Change Your Desktop Wallpaper? [Poll]

Someone recently told me that I change my desktop wallpaper on Linux far too often, which made me curious about other people's habits.

3 March 2017

Do You Like Linux Apps That Use Client Side Decorations? [Poll]

For this week's poll we want to know your thoughts on client side decorations on Linux. Do you appreciate apps that use them or actively avoid them?

20 February 2017
ubuntu question bubble

Do You Still Use The Ubuntu HUD? [Poll]

Five years ago today Ubuntu introduced the HUD, a new way of interacting application menus. But does anyone still use it?

24 January 2017
A question mark in a circle

How Do You Install Ubuntu: USB, or DVD?

Fedora is discussing plans to 'de-emphasise' optical media for future releases of their OS, and the topic got me thinking about Ubuntu, and how to install it.

7 December 2016

You Can’t Move Window Controls to the Right on Ubuntu

It’s been many, many years since Ubuntu decided to move the position of window control buttons from the right-hand side of application windows to the left. Many of you may recall that this switch wasn’t without […]

14 November 2016
ubuntu 17.04 codename

Ubuntu 17.04 — What Do You Think The Codename Will Be?

With Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak now very much out, attention will shortly turn to the next release, Ubuntu 17.04.

16 October 2016