How To Fix iPad and iPhone ‘Trust’ Bug On Ubuntu

Trust issues are stumping Apple fans trying to connect their iOS 7-toting iPads and iPhones to recent versions of Ubuntu. Here's how to (possibly) fix it.

7 March 2014

Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 Seeking LTS Status

Ubuntu GNOME is seeking approval to become an official 'Long Term Support' release with its upcoming version.

7 March 2014

How To Add Shutdown, Restart Options to Ubuntu’s Unity Dash

Without turning to Google, do you know the terminal command needed to log out of Unity? If not, Power Commands brings a slew of session commands to the Dash.

6 March 2014

2014 Ubuntu Community Survey Wants Your Thoughts on Unity

Pause that YouTube video and stop munching on that sandwich: the Ubuntu Community Survey 2014 has gone live, and your help is required.

6 March 2014

Chromium Browser Ported To Mir Display Server

In an impressive feat, Ubuntu has demoed a working port of Chromium running on Mir, Canonical's in-house, next-gen display server.

5 March 2014

Open Source Download Manager uGet Turns 11, Celebrates With New Release

The open-source download manager uGet is one of the most versatile download helpers available on Linux — and it has more reason to celebrate.

5 March 2014

How to Enable ‘Minimise On Click’ in Unity 7 on Ubuntu 14.04

A third-party PPA offers Ubuntu users the chance to install a version of the Unity desktop that includes a long-requested launcher feature — 'minimise on click'.

5 March 2014

7 Improvements In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS That You’re Going To Love

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS adds a number of new features and improvements to Unity, many fulfilling long-standing user requests. Here's 7 of the best.

4 March 2014

GStreamer Donate €2500 To Pitivi Crowdfunding Campaign

In just one week the Pitivi video editor crowd-funding project has amassed one-third of its initial €35,000 goal.

3 March 2014

From Mars Missions to Robotics Competitions: Latest ‘Ubuntu in the Wild’

As the popularity of Ubuntu has increased the novelty of seeing it "in the wild" has decreased — can these recent spots reignite excitement?

3 March 2014
LIM in 14.04

Ubuntu Brings Full Menus Back to Nautilus, Other Apps in 14.04

Ubuntu has 'patched' several GNOME applications, including the Nautilus file manager, to display full application menus in the upcoming release of 14.04 LTS.

2 March 2014

Five of the Best Ubuntu 14.04 Wallpaper Contest Entries

With less than one week to go until its deadline, the Ubuntu 14.04 wallpaper contest pool is overflowing with stunning submissions, all vying for a place on the default Ubuntu install image.

28 February 2014