Search Results for: applets

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Indicator-weather update puts temperature on panel

Weather information applet 'indicator-weather' has added some spit and polish to its latest release - including the display of current temperature directly on the panel.

15 February 2011
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How to Maximise screen space in Ubuntu

Squashed for screen space? Whilst my desktop has 1440x900 glorious pixels to fill my netbook sadly doesn't. As such I tend to run all my apps max­i­mized on my netbook, I noticed that by removing the title bar from app windows could free up some much needed room - but how do you go about doing it?

13 January 2011
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Change and monitor CPU speed in Ubuntu with Indicator-CPUfreq

With Ubuntu 11.04 dropping the traditional GNOME panel many user-favourite panel applets will be going the way of the proverbial dodo. Not so the CPU Frequency switching applet which has had an indicator make-over by Артём Попов.

20 December 2010
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Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Alpha 1 released

The first alpha of the Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal development cycle has been released.

2 December 2010
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Cardapio gets mini-mode & Docky helper

A new version of popular main menu replacement Cardapio has been released - with many features longed for by users. Amongst the changes sit reduced memory usage, interface enhancements and added support for Cardapio use with Docky.

27 November 2010
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Bodhi Linux may just be your favorite new lightweight distro

Bodhi Linux may just be the Crocodile of distro spins: Very green, really quite snappy and more powerful than you'd think at first glance...

26 November 2010
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ADeskBar – A lightweight and gorgeous GNOME panel replacement

Bored of drab panels and dull docks? Want something a different, lighter and new to play with? Why not try the very capable ADeskBar?

25 November 2010
compiz cube

Five Ways to Switch Between Workspaces in Ubuntu

Multiple desktop workspaces have long been an important feature of the Linux desktop. Half the battle in getting used to using 'virtual workspaces' is in finding a way to switch between them that suits your workflow. We list our top 5 ways of switching workspaces.

6 November 2010
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Desktop Unity: Your questions Answered

Since the announcement last week that Ubuntu 11.04 will be shipping with a desktop-orientated version of the Unity interface as default the OMG! Inbox! has been inundated by anxious readers. Here we list some answers to reader most queried questions.

1 November 2010
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Menu replacement Cardapio now uses less than 5MB of RAM

Main menu replacement Cardapio can truly boast to be a lightweight app, with it now using just 5MB of RAM when in active use.

15 October 2010
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How to customize the clock applet in Ubuntu

If you're bored with the look of the default date and time applet in Ubuntu why not jazz it up with one of the following themes?

13 October 2010
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Lubuntu 10.10 Released

The lightweight LXDE distribution Lubuntu has made available its latest version – based on Ubuntu 10.10.

10 October 2010