Search Results for: applets

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Drag n’ Drop YouTube Video Uploader for Unity

We’ve featured many Drag and Drop applets for Ubuntu’s Unity Launcher over the past few weeks, but this is the first one to support uploading to YouTube. The applet is by Tom LeJeune, whose Google+/Picasa […]

11 August 2011
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Lubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 Released

Lubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 has been released. As a development release Lubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 is not recommended for everyday use or installation on systems with important data (like your list to Santa, your best […]

5 August 2011

Indicator-Syspeek – Hardware Monitor Applet for Ubuntu 11.04

Indicator-Syspeek is a system-monitor applet for Ubuntu, capable of displaying CPU, RAM, Disk and Network usage. And it has a cool name.

10 June 2011

Hardware monitor applet ‘Indicator Systemload’ updates, adds real-time stats to menu

Nifty system resouce monitor 'Indicator Mulitload' has received a minor update, adding detailed live-updated system stats into the applet menu.

6 June 2011
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‘Confity’ lets you configure Ubuntu 11.04 Unity easily

Several days back we featured a rather useful app called 'GUnity' that gave you an easy way to tweak the Unity desktop to your liking. 'Confity', pictured below, is a similar application that follows the same 'ethos' as GUnity, only this tool provides a lot more bang for your proverbial free buck.

19 May 2011
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Small ‘Timer’ Applet for Ubuntu’s Unity Launcher

Some of the most useful applications are often borne out of a personal need. Such as this 'Tea Time' application created specifically for Ubuntu Unity by rojtberg. With Unity lacking support for 'traditional gnome applets', rojtberg had to find a different application. There are 'indicator timers' available - such as this one - but this wasn't ideal for him.

13 May 2011

10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 11.04

So you've downloaded or upgraded to the latest release of Ubuntu - the nominal Natty Narwhal - but what now? As great as Ubuntu is out of the box here are 10 things that can make your experience more of a swim in the ocean than a splash...

28 April 2011
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Indicator-Sysmonitor: simple system stats app for Ubuntu

Monitoring system resource usage in Ubuntu is easy thanks to a vaierty of GNOME Panel applets, Conky scripts and Screenlets. 'Indicator SysMonitor' is an indicator-applet that displays CPU and memory usage in the desktop panel (either GNOME-Panel or the Unity panel).

26 March 2011

[How To] Record Audio Streams to MP3 in Ubuntu

If you want - nay need - to record something from a radio station, a live web-cast performance or some other 'audio' event playing on your computer in Ubuntu how can you do so?

22 March 2011
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Torrent app Deluge adds indicator-applet

Take one torrent application, one almost-beta OS and add in some indicator-applet support. What do you get? A bunch of relieved users...

17 March 2011
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Contractor brings seamless file sharing between apps to the Linux desktop

Contractor is new 'sharing service' developed by Allen Lowe for the elementary project. It allows applications to push data and/or files to other applications without the applications needing to be hard-coded to do so. Think of it as a middle man that relieves both applications of having to work with each other - they just need to work with Contractor.

14 March 2011
Battery status indicator

How to add a detailed battery indicator to Ubuntu

For as long as I am able to remember the Battery indicator in Ubuntu has, for me, been just shy of useless. Whilst it pictorially displays my battery charge it hasn't been able to provide me with anything more: all I get for enquiring further is a never-changing 'estimating...' menu entry. Thankfully an alternative indicator-shaped solution is available...

25 February 2011