Search Results for: applets

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GUI CyanogenMod Compiler Tool for Ubuntu

A lot of avid Android tinkerers use Ubuntu, and if you're one of them you may have spent time compiling the popular firmware replacement CyanogenMod from source. If so then the following tool may be of interest...

7 May 2012
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Indicator Menus Re-Imagined – Unity-Style

Ubuntu's Unity interface has, to many, brought a refined and beautiful look to the often staid-looking linux desktop. And this is, largely, thanks to the colour co-ordinated Dash, Panel, Launcher and Notification bubbles; the well-tuned transparency balanced throughout; the attentive-accuracy of spacing, icons and hinting; the sleek login experience; etc.

24 April 2012

GNOME Classic in Ubuntu 12.04: It’s Like Nothing Ever Changed

Come April 26th and the release of Ubuntu 12.04 a vast number of Ubuntu users will be getting their first taste of the Unity desktop since its basic beginnings as the Ubuntu Netbook Remix in the last LTS. But for all of the innovation, aesthetics and features that the unity desktop offers there is a chance that, for many, the change will be too much. But Unity is only one desktop environment available to install in Ubuntu.

21 March 2012
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Give Ubuntu a New Look with the ‘Edgebound Desktop’

Want your desktop to look totally different to others? Meet the 'Edgebound' desktop set-up. This marvellous-looking mash-up combines elements of Unity-2D and GNOME 3 with the Avant Window Navigator into a slick , easy to use desktop.

22 January 2012

[How to] Make Ubuntu 11.10 Look and Feel Like GNOME 2

Longing for the look and feel of the classic GNOME desktop in Ubuntu 11.10? Well it's easier to achieve than you might think. Peek on in for a guide to aping the look of old school GNOME in new school GNOME.

13 December 2011

Do You Remember gOS, the Linux Distro Sold in Walmart?

For a Linux OS that made it onto the shelves of Walmart it's hard to tell what went wrong or where.

11 December 2011
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Catch of the Day: Wanda the Fish Indicator-Applet

When GNOME transitioned to its shiny new GNOME 3 desktop the 'GNOME Applets' of previous releases were lost - including user-favourite 'Wanda the fish.' But now the animated fish is back in Indicator-Applet form. Read on for details on how to 'net' her.

24 November 2011

5 System Monitoring Tools for Ubuntu

Whether you're resource-conscious, investigating a system slowdown, or, like me, plain nosey, Ubuntu makes it easy to keep an eye on CPU, RAM and other hardware information. Below are five different ways to monitor system resource usage in Ubuntu - from indicator-applets to included applications...

14 November 2011
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Unity Integration to Run Deeper in Ubuntu 12.04

As UDS continues over in Florida, USA thoughts have turned on how to make integration between applications and the Unity desktop better.

31 October 2011
Skype in the Ubuntu messaging Menu

[How To] Add Skype to The Ubuntu Messaging Menu

Want Skype in the Ubuntu Messaging Menu? Here's how...

30 October 2011
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Add a ‘Force Quit’ Applet to Ubuntu’s Unity Launcher

Long-time users of Ubuntu might recall that a handy 'Force Quit' applet was once available to add to the desktop panel, which made 'closing' misbehaving applications a cinch. Thankfully for the lazy amongst us reader Josh Leverette has put together a script that adds a 'Force Close' button to the Unity Launcher. With one click you can once again kill crashy, CPU-hogging applications without having to reboot or revert to the Terminal.

2 October 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 2 Released, Reviewed

The second beta release of Ubuntu 11.10 has been made available for download.

22 September 2011