More posts about “quantal”

Amazon, Ubuntu One Music Web Apps to Come Pre-Installed in Ubuntu 12.10

Two web-apps are on-course to come pre-installed with Ubuntu 12.10: and Ubuntu One Music Store. Their addition is enabled by the introduction of integrated web app support in Ubuntu - an innovative feature that allows websites to "interact" with the Ubuntu desktop.

20 September 2012
Placeholder koala image

Messaging Menu Update Adds “Remove” Option, New Status Icons

Ubuntu's Messaging Menu has been updated with a couple of new features in the development builds fo 12.10 - the most notable of which is the ability to hide.

19 September 2012
Placeholder koala image

Ubuntu 12.10 Login Screen Adds Remote Desktop Access

Support for Remote Desktop Logins directly from the login screen has been enabled in Ubuntu 12.10. The feature will allow you to enter a full-screen remote login without needing to login to Ubuntu itself, or install additional apps. It all happens 'out of the box'.

12 September 2012
Ubuntu 12.04 Default Wallpaper

New Look Default Wallpaper Lands in Ubuntu 12.10

A new-look default wallpaper for Ubuntu has landed in the 12.10 development builds. Sure to delight many, the new default wallpaper is not a direct iteration on the (infamous) "purple salad" wallpaper that has been used in the last 5 releases of Ubuntu.

11 September 2012
Placeholder koala image

So Long, Magic Lamp: Ubuntu 12.10 Reverts Unminimize Animation

Ubuntu developers have decided against the new 'un-minimise' animation present in Ubuntu 12.10, reverting it back to the original effect. The "magic lamp" effect for un-minimising windows was added to Ubuntu 12.10 in late August.

10 September 2012
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It’s Official: The Ubuntu LiveCD is Dead

It's official: the Ubuntu Live CD is dead. Ubuntu 12.10 will increase the maximum size of its disc image from 700MB to 800MB, thereby making it too big to fit onto traditional CD-R media.

8 September 2012
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Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1 Available for Download

The first beta build of Ubuntu 12.10 has been made available for download. In the 42 days between the last Alpha release and this beta, a bucket full of change has been chucked over the Quetzal, including new Unity features, theme tweaks and the retirement of Unity 2D.

6 September 2012
Placeholder koala image

LibreOffice Adds Ubuntu App Menu Support – No Plugin Needed

The latest version of LibreOffice introduces something nice for Ubuntu users: native App Menu integration. For Ubuntu 12.04, 11.10 and 11.04 LibreOffice required an additional packaged to be installed before it could integrate with Ubuntu's App Menu.

5 September 2012
Blue dandelion wallpaper in Ubuntu 12.10

Winning Wallpaper Removed from Ubuntu 12.10

A wallpaper from Ubuntu 12.10's community gathered set has been removed. And it happened to be my favourite...

5 September 2012

Ubuntu GNOME Remix Releases First Alpha

The new GNOME-flavoured spin of Ubuntu 12.10 has released an early alpha build for testers to try. Aiming to provide as 'pure' a GNOME experience as possible on Ubuntu, the spin uses the latest beta of GNOME 3.6 as its default desktop environment.

3 September 2012
Ubuntu 12.10 Wallpapers

12 New Wallpapers Chosen for Ubuntu 12.10

12 new wallpapers have landed in ubuntu 12.10 - just days after the Ubuntu wallpaper contest itself closed.

30 August 2012

Ubuntu Login Screen Updates with Minor Visual Tweaks in 12.10

Ubuntu 12.10 has updated the Unity Greeter – aka login screen – with some minor visual tweaks. None of the changes are drastic, and for many will be barely noticeable. The changes, or ‘finesse’, are subtle and incremental improvements to the padding, styling and alignment of items on greeter.

30 August 2012