More posts about “indicator-applets”

System Load Indicator Adds Ubuntu Theme Options, Bug Fixes in New Release

A new release of System Load Indicator, a status area applet that lets you monitor system resource usage, has been made available this week.

16 June 2014

Indicator-Synapse Brings Spotlight-Like Search Bar to Linux

Take a semantic Zeitgeist-powered application/file launcher and bind it to the panel. What do you get? Something worth putting in the spotlight, that's what.

12 September 2013

Easily Monitor System Usage in Ubuntu 12.10 with Syspeek

Syspeek lets you swat up on your system stats in real-time with a click.

31 October 2012

[How To] Add Other Timezones to Ubuntu’s Clock Applet

The easiest way to keep an eye on different timezones is to add them to Ubuntu's time and date applet. By the end of this post you will know how to add, edit and remove timezones on the Date & Time menu in Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10.

14 October 2012

Ubuntu’s New Sync Menu In Action

A new 'Sync Menu' is one of several new features available to those testing Ubuntu 12.10 Beta.

26 September 2012
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Indicator Menus Re-Imagined – Unity-Style

Ubuntu's Unity interface has, to many, brought a refined and beautiful look to the often staid-looking linux desktop. And this is, largely, thanks to the colour co-ordinated Dash, Panel, Launcher and Notification bubbles; the well-tuned transparency balanced throughout; the attentive-accuracy of spacing, icons and hinting; the sleek login experience; etc.

24 April 2012

Ubuntu One Indicator Applet Adds New Features

The unofficial - but totally awesome - Ubuntu One Indicator has been updated with a number of nifty new options and improved memory performance. The applet is useful for Ubuntu One users wanting a more detailed look at the status of their Ubuntu One account without having to open the Control panel application.

17 April 2012
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Catch of the Day: Wanda the Fish Indicator-Applet

When GNOME transitioned to its shiny new GNOME 3 desktop the 'GNOME Applets' of previous releases were lost - including user-favourite 'Wanda the fish.' But now the animated fish is back in Indicator-Applet form. Read on for details on how to 'net' her.

24 November 2011

5 System Monitoring Tools for Ubuntu

Whether you're resource-conscious, investigating a system slowdown, or, like me, plain nosey, Ubuntu makes it easy to keep an eye on CPU, RAM and other hardware information. Below are five different ways to monitor system resource usage in Ubuntu - from indicator-applets to included applications...

14 November 2011
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‘My Weather Indicator’ Adds Geolocation Support

Panel-based weather applet My Weather Indicator has added geolocation support, providing input free location detection based on your IP. With many of us used to mobile apps and online weather sites using of geolocation to serve […]

27 October 2011

Get Stuff Down With Pomodoro Indicator Timer for Ubuntu

Indicator-Pomodoro is a small tray-based timer tool designed specifically for use with Pomodoro technique.

7 September 2011

Indicator-Syspeek – Hardware Monitor Applet for Ubuntu 11.04

Indicator-Syspeek is a system-monitor applet for Ubuntu, capable of displaying CPU, RAM, Disk and Network usage. And it has a cool name.

10 June 2011