More posts about “indicator-applets”

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‘My Weather Indicator’ adds sun and moon info, ‘feels like…’ temp and more in latest update

Users of My-Weather-Indicator, a panel-based weather applet for Ubuntu, can now check sunrise and sunset information, moon phase and more in the latest release.

31 May 2011
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Indicator Multiload is a GNOME-Applet style system monitor for your desktop panel

Ubuntu 11.04 users missing the old 'system load' panel application can find similar functionality in Indicator-Multiload - a graphical indicator-applet for the Unity panel.

23 May 2011
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PSensor lets you easily monitor hardware temperature in Ubuntu

My graphics card fan is bust. Well, I say bust but what I actually mean is that I disconnected the fan because it was so freaking loud! I do intend to buy a replacement cooler for it shortly, but in the mean time Psensor allows me to keep an eye on its temperature over a given period with the data recorded and presented in graph form for easy digestion.

17 May 2011
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Quickly adjust the number of workspaces in Unity with Indicator-Workspaces

Quickly adjust the number of workspaces and the way in which they are displayed in Ubuntu 11.04 with 'Indicator Workspaces'.

6 May 2011
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Indicator-Weather: "Is it just me or…"

Panagiotis Skintzos has begun on a Vala port of Indicator-Weather. Whilst there are many great ideas in the new design layout there is one aspect that bugs me...

28 March 2011
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Indicator-Sysmonitor: simple system stats app for Ubuntu

Monitoring system resource usage in Ubuntu is easy thanks to a vaierty of GNOME Panel applets, Conky scripts and Screenlets. 'Indicator SysMonitor' is an indicator-applet that displays CPU and memory usage in the desktop panel (either GNOME-Panel or the Unity panel).

26 March 2011
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Indicator-weather adds data caching, extra weather providers and locations

Indicator-Weather, the weather forecast applet, has updated this weekend, adding support for forecast data caching, extra weather service providers and making available more locations.

20 March 2011
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Torrent app Deluge adds indicator-applet

Take one torrent application, one almost-beta OS and add in some indicator-applet support. What do you get? A bunch of relieved users...

17 March 2011