More posts about “Apps”

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App To Convert Video For iPods, PMPs and More!

You can convert video for your iPod, iPod Touch and other PMP players using a free, open-source app called Handbrake. The full spiel on Handbrake is that it’s an “open-source, GPL-licensed, multi-platform, multithreaded video transcoder, […]

14 May 2009
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Ubuntu One Beta – Free 2GB Online Storage From Ubuntu!

Canonical, the makers of Ubuntu, yesterday opened an official beta for ‘Ubuntu One’, a free online storage and syncing solution. Ubuntu One helps you store, sync and share Ubuntu One adds a folder to your […]

12 May 2009
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GloobusPreview – Quick Look For Ubuntu Jaunty!

Want to preview your files/movies/images/text a la Mac OS X ‘Quick Look’ feature? Then look no further because GloobusPreview does it all – and then some! GloobusPreview allows you to view the contents of a […]

11 May 2009
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Weather Wallpapers For Gnome

I love KDE’s “Weather Wallpaper” plug-in. It automatically changes your desktop background to a high-resolution photo of your local weather conditions, like so:- Seeeeeexy! For Gnome, however, the choices are a little more… well… ‘Gnome’. […]

7 May 2009
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Automount linux NTFS Partition ubuntu

Auto-mounting NTFS / Windows Partitions in Ubuntu is actually really easy. It’s great, for example, if you have a partition you share between Windows and Linux with files on. Set NTFS/Windows Partitions To Auto-Mount 1. […]

28 April 2009
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Installing Flock In Ubuntu

If you’re a social-networking fiend or just a web 2.0-a-holic you’ve likely already heard of ‘Flock‘ – the Mozilla-based ‘Social Browser’. Flock combines social networking and media services such as twitter, facebook, youtube, flickr, GMail and blogger though […]

28 April 2009
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Best IM Client For Ubuntu

This post is a few months old. A newer version reviewing even more IM clients can be found by clicking this link. What is the best IM (Instant Messaging) Client for Ubuntu? Let’s find out! […]

26 April 2009
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Cover Art & Lyrics Widget for your desktop

Display album art (and lyrics!) for your playing tracks right on your desktop with CoverGloobus.

25 April 2009
ASUS X54HR Ubuntu Laptop

Top 5 Apps Not Installed With Ubuntu

There are some incredibly useful applications that don’t ship with Ubuntu one for reason or another. Below I list my 5 of the best applications you might be missing out on! Pitivi – Simple Video […]

24 April 2009
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‘Now Playing’ Music Plug-in For Pidgin

‘Pidgin Music Tracker’ is a small plug-in for Pidgin that will display your currently playing track as your status for all your contacts to see! Simply download the .deb file, double click, select install and […]

20 April 2009
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Chrome Gets Major Linux Update – Features Galore!

The current testing builds of Google's Open-Source Chromium browser (I.e Google Chrome) hit a very welcome update today.

11 April 2009
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Control Your Music From The Panel

This is one of my must-install’s whenever I’ve installed Ubuntu. It’s a simple Gnome panel applet that lets you control most popular music players without having to open said player up! The music applet provides […]

11 April 2009