A new release of Daily Journal – the streamlined, fuss free application for logging the happenings of life, love, or anything – has been made available.

The major change present in this version is the switch from a ‘dates list’ to a ‘Calendar’ for easier note navigation.

Try it

Have been using the app almost everyday for the last 7 or 8 months I can heartily recommend it. Whilst many may look at Daily Journal and find its austere feature-set or lack of stylised text a put off, I find it a definite plus: there’s nothing to distract you from getting down what you need.

Ubuntu One integration also provides journal synchronization between your computers; a neat search function means you can always find what you need and the scratchpad is ideal for dropping half-formed thoughts or URLs on to.


A PPA, maintained by Daily Journal developer Rick Spencer, is available for Ubuntu 11.04 users to add. Copy and paste ‘ppa:rick-rickspencer3/ppa’ into your Software Sources, update and then search out ‘Daily Journal’ in the Ubuntu Software Centre.

Via: laserjock.wordpress.com

Apps dailyjournal notetaking