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Ubuntu 14.04 Flavours Release First Beta

Ubuntu's extended family have made their first beta releases of the 14.04 development cycle available for download.

27 February 2014

Unity 8 Desktop Preview Session Available In Ubuntu 14.04

It's now possible to login to a Unity 8 session in the latest development builds of Ubuntu 14.04 for the desktop.

25 February 2014
LIM in 14.04

Better Late Than Never: Ubuntu Add Locally Integrated Menus to 14.04

It's been a long time coming, but Ubuntu 14.04 will finally offer users the choice of showing application menus in application windows.

20 February 2014
Unity Spread Gets New Filter Feature

Ubuntu 14.04 Adds Window Name Filtering to Unity App Spread

It may not be planning any big new features, but the forthcoming release of Ubuntu 14.04 is intending to ship with a raft of refinements.

18 February 2014

Ubuntu Wallpaper Contest Offers Artists Chance to Feature on Millions of Desktops

Ubuntu is giving amateur and professional artists alike the chance to have their work shipped in Ubuntu – and here's how you can take part.

11 February 2014

Ubuntu 14.04 Looks to Improve Support For Hi-Res Screens

Ubuntu is working to improve its support for high pixel density displays, like the Retina screen used in Apple's Macbook Pro line.

7 February 2014

Changes Mooted for Ubuntu 14.04 Wallpaper Contest

Following Xubuntu and Ubuntu GNOME, it's now Ubuntu's turn to seek out a new set of community sourced backgrounds.

4 February 2014

Xubuntu Reveals 14.04 Wallpaper Contest Winners

Xubuntu has revealed the winning community wallpapers that will be included in its upcoming 14.04 release.

29 January 2014

Ubuntu 14.04 Flavours Hit Alpha 2 Release

Participating Ubuntu flavours have released their second alphas for the upcoming 14.04 release.

23 January 2014

Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 Wallpaper Contest Kicks Off

Macro lenses at the ready: Ubuntu GNOME is on the hunt for a new set of community-contributed wallpapers to feature in its forthcoming release.

21 January 2014

GNOME 3.10 Will Be Available In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

GNOME 3.10 will be available to install from the Ubuntu Software Centre in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, a recent package update confirms.

17 January 2014

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Plans To Ship With Newer GRUB Bootloader

Ubuntu 14.04 may ship with a beta version of GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader used virtually all Linux distributions.

17 January 2014