More posts about “natty”

The latest new on the next iteration of the Ubuntu desktop.

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Natty’s new Ubuntu One Control Panel takes shape

Long time readers or those with good memories may remember that a new - and very elegant- Ubuntu One control panel was targeted for Ubuntu 11.04. So how's it coming along?

19 January 2011
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This is one gorgeous Narwhal themed, Natty coloured wallpaper

Ubuntu users missing the animal themed wallpapers of releases past should bookmark this page now in anticipation of April.

18 January 2011
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Xfce 4.8 adds remote shares browsing, new desktop panel, more

The latest version of lightweight desktop environment XFCE has been released, adding support for remote shares browsing, a rewritten desktop panel, and improved settings/file transfer dialogs.

17 January 2011
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Ubuntu 11.04 Unity update adds new look launcher, more effect options and scrollwheel indicator support

A few new features/options for Unity landed in the Ubuntu 11.04 alpha recently.

15 January 2011

Ubuntu to get 2D Unity option

A new 2D implementation of Unity, Ubuntu 11.04's new default desktop, is to be made available for users without accelerated 3D graphics support, in addition to the 'Classic Ubuntu desktop'.

14 January 2011
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global-menu support for Firefox 4 in Ubuntu 11.04 available to test

Natty alpha testers keen to gain Firefox app-menu support now can, thanks to the work of Ubuntu's Chris Coulson. The small extension enables Firefox's app menu to be displayed in the panel as most other applications shipped with Ubuntu are able to do. The result helps bring a clean and consistent experience to the Ubuntu 11.04 desktop.

13 January 2011
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Natty to include ‘3 non-photographic’ wallpapers [Updated]

Ubuntu 11.04 will include 'at least 3' non-photographic wallpapers, a move many designers within the community have been longing for.

13 January 2011
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Coming soon is this ‘Natty coming soon’ for Android

The posting of one users Narwhal-shaped Ubuntu 11.04 countdown widget for Android led to something rarely seen in the comments section here at OMG!: readers in a uniform opinion. Readers worked up by the lack of elegance in that Narwhal widget design may be sated by this infinitely more elegant one....

13 January 2011
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Ubuntu developers talk reviews and ratings in the Software Centre [video]

Ubuntu Software Centre developer Michael Vogt and designer designer Matthew Paul Thomas tour ratings and reviews in Ubuntu 11.04 in this latest instalment of 'Ubuntu developer diaries'.

12 January 2011
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Tips for Ubuntu 11.04 testers

So you're playing around with Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha and, well, things are going a bit awry. Here are a few useful tips harvested from AskUbuntu that may save you a headache or two...

10 January 2011
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Ubuntu 11.04 Countdown widget for Android

Okay, we all know that Natty isn't going t opop out preamturely but for those of us willing to keep one eye on the prize the following Android homescreen widget is sure to be a must-have.

9 January 2011
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Magic scheduler patch coming to your Natty desktop?

We wrote about it, Phoronix demoed it. The magic scheduler voodoo(tm)* which brings happiness to desktops that everyone wanted to test at the time..well it may be coming to your Natty desktop.

8 January 2011