Long time readers or those with good memories may remember that a new – and very elegant – Ubuntu One control panel was targeted for Ubuntu 11.04.

As we surmised back in July, the aim of the redesigned-application is to’ improve the user experience of using the Ubuntu One service by allowing users to join, sign in and manage their accounts directly from the Ubuntu desktop.’

So how’s progress going?

Pictures speak a thousand words, so here’s a screenshot of how it’s looking in Natty right this second: –

Ubuntu One control panel in Ubuntu 11.04

Elements are missing, naturally. But given we’re not even at the Alpha 2 milestone it’s exciting to see so much of the application has taken form so quickly.

For reference here is what the proposal mock-up looked like:


Once again remember that this application is still in development. The above screenshot does not represent the look or feature set of the final product.

natty UbuntuOne