Search Results for: office

WPS Office – A Faithful Microsoft Office Clone for Linux

When is Microsoft Office not Microsoft Office? When it's actually a faithfully-crafted imitation, of course!

26 March 2013

LibreOffice Hits 4.0, Adds Unity Integration & ‘Persona’ Theming

LibreOffice 4.0, the first release of the open-source office suite said to truly reflect the projects' objectives, has hit the web.

7 February 2013

Microsoft Bringing Office to Linux? [Rumour Mill]

Microsoft are considering a native Linux port of their popular Microsoft Office software, or so a rumour circulated at an recent open-source conference alleges.

6 February 2013
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LibreOffice Adds Ubuntu App Menu Support – No Plugin Needed

The latest version of LibreOffice introduces something nice for Ubuntu users: native App Menu integration. For Ubuntu 12.04, 11.10 and 11.04 LibreOffice required an additional packaged to be installed before it could integrate with Ubuntu's App Menu.

5 September 2012
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KDE Office and Art Suite ‘Calligra’ Sees New Release

A new version of KDE productivity and office suite Calligra has been released. Calligra comprises of a nine core apps which encompass everything from word processing and presentations to graphics editing and mind-mapping.

13 August 2012
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Bring Google Docs to the Ubuntu Desktop with GWOffice

Google Docs is a great and capable office suite, but its browser-bound nature puts many users off of using it as a full-on LibreOffice replacement. Google have recently announced offline support for the web-based suite, but for many this still won't be entirely ideal. So enter GWOffice - a desktop-based Google Docs editor that is in development as part of the Ubuntu App Showdown.

2 July 2012

OpenOffice 3.4 Released

Although LibreOffice may have forked off from it and picked up developers and innovation by the bucket load, the faithful old brand, now under the direction of Apache Software Foundation, has seen its first release since January 2011. Apache OpenOffice 3.4 doesn't do anything drastic, but does iterate nicely upon that which was there before.

8 May 2012
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LibreOffice 3.5 Released

LibreOffice 3.5 has been released. It's the third major release of the free open-source office suite since the project was forked from OpenOffice.

14 February 2012
LibreOffice Bug Fixes

Could You be the LibreOffice ‘Bug Hunting Hero’?

A two-day bug hunting session for LibreOffice 3.5 has been announced by The Document Foundation. Developers and eagle-eyed users will come together on the 28th and 29th of December to test the upcoming major release […]

21 December 2011

Citrus – A LibreOffice Interface for Today

Of the certainties in life, such as life, death and taxes, is the fact that LibreOffice needs a new interface. And that's not me be being picky, but supportive of open-source's premier office suite. The 'good news' is that LibreOffice developers know this and discussion towards overhauling the tired look of the application set have been ongoing for a while. Amongst the interface proposal currently being discussed on the LibreOffice mailing list is the modern-looking 'Citrus'.

24 November 2011
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LibreOffice 3.4.4 Released With Numerous Bug Fixes

The Document Foundation have announced the release of LibreOffice 3.4.4 - an updated version of their popular open-source office suite.

9 November 2011
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LibreOffice Coming to the Web, Android and iOS

An online version of Libreoffce, along with versions for Android and iOS, were two of the items announced by the The Document Foundation at this years LibreOffice Conference in Paris, France.

14 October 2011