Looking for a simple way to receive facebook notifications on your desktop? Facebook Notify by Nzjrs may be the answer.

A simple python-based tray application, it provides you with timely notifications upon: –
  • One of your friends changes their status, profile picture, or profile details
  • You receive a friend request, event or group invitation
  • Someone writes on one of your friends walls
  • One of your friends is tagged in a photo

Install Facebook Notify
First step is to install the required dependencies. Open a terminal and enter the following carefully: –
  • sudo aptitude install python-webkit python-simplejson
Now download Facebook Notifier using the download link below
Extract the archive and move the resulting folder to somewhere ‘safe’.

Enter the folder and double click on ‘facebook-notify.py‘, choosing ‘Run’ when prompted.

The Facebook icon will appear in your system tray. Left-click on this to login and you’re away!

Apps facebook