More posts about “Unity”

News, tips and features on the Unity desktop environment, the default shell in Ubuntu.

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‘Dialog sheets’ coming to Ubuntu 11.10

OS X uses them, GNOME 3 uses them, and for the Oneiric Ocelot so will Ubuntu. What am I talking about? These....

10 May 2011

Opera gets some Unity love; tab badge, quicklists and more

With Ubuntu Unity-specific support being lavished upon Chromium and Firefox 4 it wasn't going to be long before Opera - the oft overlooked web browser which a healthy 5% of OMG! readers use - received some due love and attention. Opera user/fan/developer Kyle Baker - whose Opera themes and tips we've featured before - has written a 'Unity script' for the browser that adds in some Unity specific love including a tab count to the Launcher icon, right-click quicklists to your Opera speed dial entries and support for Unity's "urgency" alerts.

8 May 2011
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Chromium Daily build adds Unity Quicklist

Adding even more reason for switching to Chromium in Ubuntu, the latest Daily build of the browser has added a Unity Quicklist to the launcher icon, courtesy of Fabien Tassin.

6 May 2011
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UnityFox plugin for Firefox puts download Progress on the Unity Launcher

Yesterday we shared news that the daily builds of Chromium web browser have added download progress bar and badge support for Ubuntu 11.04's Unity Launcher. But what about Firefox users?

4 May 2011
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[How to] Run KDE Plasma Widgets in Ubuntu Unity

Bring the rich world of Plasma widgets into Ubuntu 11.04.

4 May 2011
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Chromium Daily adds Unity progress bar and badge support

The latest daily builds of Chromium come with a neat gift for Natty users - Unity Launcher progress bar and badge support. This is the second Unity-specific feature to land in Chromium. Ubuntu Application Menu support landed in the 'about:flags' staging area back in mid-April. Read on for install instructions.

3 May 2011

Unity panel button replacements for Elementary and Orta

The ability to easily customise your desktop is, arguably, one of the boons of using Linux. Unity is no exception. The following hack allows you to fully integrate some of the more popular 3rd party themes into the Unity desktop.

3 May 2011
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Become a Natty power-user in no time using this Unity keyboard shortcuts wallpaper

With Unity installed and all set-up (see our list of ten things to do after installing if you're at a loss) it time to get 'comfortable' in your new surroundings. This Unity Shortcuts wallpaper, created by the ace Octavian Damiean, will orientate you to Unity's ways in no time.

29 April 2011

10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 11.04

So you've downloaded or upgraded to the latest release of Ubuntu - the nominal Natty Narwhal - but what now? As great as Ubuntu is out of the box here are 10 things that can make your experience more of a swim in the ocean than a splash...

28 April 2011
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Chrome’s tabs integrated into Ubuntu’s panel? Yes, please!

OMG! Ubuntu! reader Cyrill sent us through a little mockup of what Ubuntu would look like with tabs inside the panel. He says "On my netbook's 10 inch screen, every single pixel is important. And as there is barely no global menu for Chromium (this changed apparently in Natty), i was wondering how it would look if tabs were using that free space."

28 April 2011
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[Video] How to change the size of the Unity launcher in Ubuntu 11.04

Changing the size of the icons in Ubuntu Natty's new launcher is actually pretty easy, but rather than explain it through text, we thought we'd make this short video. Video after the jump.

28 April 2011
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Our complete guide to Unity in Ubuntu 11.04

Over the last couple of weeks we've been quietly working on a new release feature that we'd like to do for every Ubuntu release. A full on guide to new features in Ubuntu, focusing on the Unity desktop environment. And it's just for you.

27 April 2011