More posts about “Eye Candy”

Give your Ubuntu desktop a stunning new look with GTK themes, free icon packs, Conky, visual customisation tools, rad wallpapers and more – all of which you’ll find badged with this tag.

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Quickly Install Google Android Fonts

Google’s Linux based Mobile Operating System ‘Android’ (Gee, try saying all that with a mouthful of doughnut!) comes with some very sexy fonts called ‘Droid’. The fonts are crisp, clear and far nicer looking/easier to […]

18 August 2009
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The Gnome-Do Weather Docklet – Totally Awesome

Gnome-Do comes with a variety of different docklets for use with it’s ‘Docky’ interface. For example the ‘Trash Can’ docklet lets you right click on it and choose to empty your trash directly, or simply […]

17 August 2009
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Opera 10 Finally Fits in Flawlessly on GNOME Desktops

The new beta of Opera 10 web browser comes in a Qt version, meaning it can now “use” the GTK theme when running in the GNOME desktop environment. Here’s a screenshot of Opera 10 on […]

13 July 2009
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Gnome-Do .0.8.2 Released – Best Linux Dock Yet!

The Gnome-Do team have pushed oyt the latest version of their popular application launcher (and so much more than that!) which hits it’s 0.8.2 release. The new version comes with a literal HEAP of new […]

30 June 2009
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"Clever Windows" – Better than Gnome 3?

Gnome3 – aka ‘Gnome Shell’ – has been met with a mirth of derision within the Linux community for various reasons. Some don’t like progress, some don’t like the way it handles windows and some […]

25 June 2009
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CoverGloobus 1.4 Brings New Themes, Desktop Sexiness

I’ve blogged about the pure freakin’ gorgeousness of CoverGloobus before, but the developer has really stepped it up a gear with the latest release. CoverGloobus 1.4 fixes some bugs, but – and more importantly for […]

26 May 2009
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GloobusPreview – Quick Look For Ubuntu Jaunty!

Want to preview your files/movies/images/text a la Mac OS X ‘Quick Look’ feature? Then look no further because GloobusPreview does it all – and then some! GloobusPreview allows you to view the contents of a […]

11 May 2009
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Weather Wallpapers For Gnome

I love KDE’s “Weather Wallpaper” plug-in. It automatically changes your desktop background to a high-resolution photo of your local weather conditions, like so:- Seeeeeexy! For Gnome, however, the choices are a little more… well… ‘Gnome’. […]

7 May 2009
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Themes: Luscious Light Ubuntu Theme

This sleek light theme is the perfect antidote to the massive increase in dark themes jostling for attention over on – where i first spotted this. One complaint would be the Metacity borders, which […]

5 May 2009
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Literal Ubuntu "Desktop" Wallpaper

Literal Ubuntu “desk top”, originally uploaded by d0od. I created this wallpaper out or boredom, but it actually turned out very well! It’s essentially a table top wallpaper with “desk” type accessories for you to […]

5 May 2009
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Wide Weather Screenlet

Display the weather and a four day forcast right on your desktop with this minimal screenlet. I first noticed this screenlet in an screenshot on DeviantArt by BilliShere and fell in love with it’s simplicity. […]

27 April 2009
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Cover Art & Lyrics Widget for your desktop

Display album art (and lyrics!) for your playing tracks right on your desktop with CoverGloobus.

25 April 2009