More posts about “Eye Candy”

Give your Ubuntu desktop a stunning new look with GTK themes, free icon packs, Conky, visual customisation tools, rad wallpapers and more – all of which you’ll find badged with this tag.

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FolderView Screenlet

This screenlet just popped up on and it’s very ‘ooooh!’. Anyone who has used KDE 4.x.x will have seen the plasma ‘folder view’ applet, if not glance below at the transparent boxes that show […]

15 April 2009
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Nature Wallpapers

Time for a new wallpaper post! (C’mon, you can never have too many wallpaper choices!) This time I’ve chosen a few from Desktopography ” a very rad non-profit project comprising of a group of very […]

15 April 2009
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Smoke – Sleek Gnome Panel Background

Short post, but the moment i saw it i had to share because it’s so sexy! Just look at this very sexy gnome panel: – (click to view larger) It’s sooooo simple to install and […]

15 April 2009
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Gorgeous White Gnome Theme

For all the transparent, glossy, 3-D bezel-laden GTK themes out there, there are also sublime simplistic ones too. White in particular makes for a minimalistic and elegant choice. As such below are my pick of […]

7 April 2009
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Make Your Gnome Menu’s Transparent

If you run Compiz you can easily turn your gnome menu’s transparent. This is pretty neat if you already have some kind of transparent emerald theme running and want your whole desktop to match. Firstly, […]

29 March 2009
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Gnome 3 – Designing A Desktop For Today

Gnome 3 will present a different UI to that we know as Gnome now. Partly this is a response to KDE 4 and the UI changes there, but mainly it’s about bringing the concept of […]

28 March 2009
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Mash Up Icons

I use this collection of icons myself on my both my Netbook and my desktop and totally love them! Pretty much every icon is covered. Mash Up mixes up icons from many different sources – such as […]

28 March 2009
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Make WINE Apps Look Better In Ubuntu

WINE – love it or loathe it you probably have it installed for one reason or another (‘must have’ Windows application or because of Google Picasa etc). It also tends to look butt ugly, so […]

27 March 2009
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Make SUDO Windows Match The Rest Of Your Theme

Have you ever noticed that when using Synaptic package manager or Sudo-ing to root to browse for a file that your root windows don’t match the rest of your theme? Here’s how to make sudo […]

27 March 2009
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3 Great Pidgin Emoticon Themes

Make your IM convo’s in Pidgin a bit brighter by installing some new emoticons. Here’s the OMG! pick of our top 3 favourite emoticon packs for pidgin. (Instructions on how to use them follows at […]

26 March 2009
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New Jaunty Login Screen Updated!

A not-entirely-major revision to the Jaunty Jackalope login screen was released today. Have a peek: – Doesn’t look any different to you? Here’s the original Jaunty GDM: – It’s a subtle change, but a good […]

21 March 2009
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Battery Meter Screenlets

Battery Screenlet This first one is a very simple battery screenlet that displays your real-time battery power as a graphic.    It’s icon is based on the Tango battery icon, so it integrates well into […]

20 March 2009