More posts about “elementary”

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elementary-style icons for Android Desktop Notifier

Back in September we featured the extremely useful ‘Android Notifier’ application which displays alerts and notifications from your Android device on your Ubuntu desktop – making it a perfect addition to anyone with a penchant […]

11 October 2010
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Customizing Ubuntu 10.10 with a dock, new icon theme, effects, global menu and more

Quite often we'll post screenshots in articles and no doubt we will always get a comment asking what theme we're using, our font settings, or what dock that is. Today I'm going to share with you my setup - everything from my compiz settings to the icon theme!

10 October 2010
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Firefox elementary theme hits version 3.0, adds Personas support

The popular elementary-style Firefox theme ‘Firefox Elementary’ has received an update  adding full support for Firefox Personas and theme enhancements amongst various others.

9 October 2010
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Elementary Firefox hits version 2.0

An updated version of elementary styled Firefox theme ‘Firefox elementary’ has been released today. The theme helps to seamlessly integrate Ubuntu’s default web browser into your Elementary themed desktop. Download Download, extract and double-click […]

28 September 2010
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Dan Rabbit débuts ‘Noise Media Player’ Mock-up – world wants

Y’know how the Elementary team are toying with Rhythmbox right now? Well it might just end up looking like the slick puppy below… Elementary’s designer Dan Rabbit has moulded a ‘collection of ideas for a […]

28 September 2010
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Rhythm-e: Elementary take on Rhythmbox

What's that sound? The sound of Rhythmbox meeting Elementary.

22 September 2010
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Elementary styled GMusicBrowser anyone?

As wide in scope as the Elementary project has stretched in the last few years it is still one canon short of an arsenal -  it lacks a dedicated Elementary-styled media player. ~jdorenbush over on […]

20 September 2010
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Rhythmbox re-imagined Elementary style

German designer Jan stopped by the OMG! mail box today to share his mock-ups for an Elementary style Rhythmbox and Evolution. “Today I did some mockup images for Rhythmbox and Evolution (mail and calenderview) how […]

12 September 2010
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Dan Rabbit teases Elementary icons 2.5

I think Dan’s new teaser banner for version 2.5 of his popular Elementary icon set (of which the default Ubuntu Humanity icons are derived/based) tells a whole lot more than some textual padding from me… […]

9 September 2010
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Dan Rabbit’s File browser idea gets revisited, retitled

The mystical and wonderful design prodigy of slurring Californian descent is back in action with this new-fangled design that tries to be a perfect file browser. Interested? Surely you must be after that hand-crafted sentence containing an abundance of adjectives. Hit up the break to see what's new with DanRabbit's "Marlin."

4 September 2010
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Elementary for Firefox theme released

The wildly popular Elementary theme for Firefox we shared news of earlier this week is now available to download.

3 September 2010
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Gorgeous Elementary Firefox skin is coming soon

Elementary fans longing for a Firefox theme to match do not have much long to wait. The skin is the work of a Thomas 'Seahorse Pip' and looks every bit as sumptuous as you'd expect.

1 September 2010