More posts about “Google Chrome”

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Chrome Webstore icon appears in Daily build

After updating the Chromium daily build today I found a shiny new icon sat in my new tab app’s bar – a link to the official Chrome webstore! The Chrome webstore cometh!?! Well, not just […]

21 July 2010
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Enable Chrome Web Apps in Chromium on Ubuntu

If you’re chomping at the bit to try out some of Googles Web App features in Chrome/ium then read on! Google announced that a new Chrome Web Store was being built earlier this year at […]

15 July 2010
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Chromium’s unified menu comes to daily builds

Image | cmyrland Chromium’s new ‘unified menu’ is now enabled by default in the Chromium Daily build. The ‘single menu’ approach to listing options and features is something a lot of browser are currently in the […]

11 July 2010
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Chrome Dev Channel adds GNOME Keyring support for saving passwords

The Google Chrome dev channel (as well as the Chromium daily builds) recently gained preliminary support for storing user passwords in the native system keyring rather than, as currently, the built-in unencrypted password store. Whilst […]

3 July 2010
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Get Safari’s new ‘reader’ feature in Chrome & Firefox

Apple pushed out Safari 5 earlier today. With it came a new feature called ‘Reader’ that, in the words of Apple themselves,: – “…removes annoying ads and other visual distractions from online articles. So you […]

8 June 2010
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Google Chrome for Linux Becomes stable

Google Chrome for Linux has finally become ‘stable’. The first pre-alpha release was made almost one year ago on June 4th and the development since then has been breakneck. In an announcement on the official […]

25 May 2010
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Just How Popular is Chrome/ium on Linux? Answer: Very

Google Chrome for Linux will be one year old on Friday 4th June. Crazy non? To mark this relatively minor milestone I've decided to take a look at how Google Chrome's growth on Linux has, well, grown in that time. I can only base my findings on my blog as a whole with some outside context provided by net statistic providers.

23 May 2010
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WebM/Vp8 now in Chromium Daily PPA

Linux users can try out Google’s new WebM video codec by using the latest daily build of Chromium from the Chromium Daily PPA. Whilst WebM has pretty much the same quality as Flash I did […]

20 May 2010
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Google Chrome Dev Channel adds Integrated Flash plugin – but not for x64bit users

Users of Google Chrome will soon no longer have to worry about installing and maintaining the Adobe Flash plug-in themselves. Google have taken the step of integrating the plugin directly into their browser, sidestepping the […]

30 March 2010
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Ubuntu Ambiance Chrome/ium Theme

Chrome/ium can now blend in perfectly with your Lucid desktop thanks to this Chrome theme by tobiash. Be sure to set your title bars to system for full effect. Download

11 March 2010
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Google Chrome “App Pack” PPA

Want some perfectly placed, ready made Chrome Web App shortcuts but can’t be bothered to do it yourself? Just as you can install Prism apps for several Google webapps, the following PPA contains ready-made Chrome […]

28 December 2009
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Get The ChromeOS Application Menu In Ubuntu [Working Again]

Google ChromeOS has the ‘application menu’ in the browser: – You can, actually, get this in Google Chrome or Chromium. First you need to edit the command you start Chrome/ium with. Right click the menu […]

29 November 2009