More posts about “Google Chrome”

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Small Chrome Updates Include Exclusive New Feature

The Chrome browser continues to take steps forward to an official Google-sanctioned release. Although the latest Linux updates for Chromium are not as drastic as the previous major update, small incremental steps are being implemented […]

19 April 2009
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Chrome Gets Major Linux Update – Features Galore!

The current testing builds of Google's Open-Source Chromium browser (I.e Google Chrome) hit a very welcome update today.

11 April 2009
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Chrome for Ubuntu now has tabs ..kinda (UPDATED)

Progress on Chrome for Linux is pushing onwards nicely.

26 March 2009
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Google Chrome 1.0 – What’s Great/What’s Not

Google finally removed the ‘beta' tag from their Chrome browser and pushed out a shiny new update fixing, improving and stabilising the browser even more. Chrome is now Chrome 1.0! W0ot!

14 December 2008