More posts in “Poll”

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Which would you choose as default: Banshee or Rhythmbox? [Poll]

With Ubuntu 11.04 switching to a combined Netbook and Desktop image only one music player can takes its place on default. The formal decision is due tomorrow but before then why not have some fun and let everyone know which player -you- would make default.

28 October 2010
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Sent from Ubuntu signature to be added to Evolution [Poll]

A case is being made for ‘Sent from Ubuntu’ signature to be appended to all mail sent from Ubuntu’s desktop e-mail application ‘Evolution’. What do you think? Poll and more information after the break.

19 September 2010
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What architecture is your Ubuntu? [Poll]

Are you a traditional 32 bit user or have you ventured out on a limb and installed 64 bit Ubuntu to make the most of your hardware?

12 September 2010
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Choose the new CoverGloobus Icon [poll]

Jordi Hernàndez – creator of CoverGloobus (and dude with exceptionally good taste in music) – has opened the voting on the choice of new icon for the desktop music art application. We blogged about the […]

8 September 2010
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Integrating Zeitgeist into GNOME: You decide which apps get patched (poll)

GNOME 3.0 is delayed and the Zeitgeist team has more time to integrate with the GNOME desktop. Daniel Siegel (the Cheese dude) had an idea during GUADEC that is worth giving a try… for Zeitgeist […]

5 August 2010
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What’s in a weather indicator?

We at the Indicator-Weather project need you to do some forecasting for us. (World groans – ed) Whilst we’ve got a pretty kicking preview that works but what we really need is to find out […]

17 July 2010
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How Slow is Your Ubuntu Login? [Poll]

Something has always plagued the Ubuntu installations on my Toshiba Satellite, ever since I started using it early last year: Login time. No, not boot time, which is all the rage nowadays – I’m talking […]

10 July 2010
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What is your default browser? [poll]

Following on from our look at Chrome/ium’s surging popularity on Linux, this weeks OMG! Vote! is simple: share with us your default browser choice. Which of these is your default browser in Ubuntu?customer surveys Article […]

24 May 2010
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Do you use wine? [poll]

Following yesterday’s post on the facelift Wine has received for its next major release, I started to wonder how many of you use Wine. So — here’s a snap poll for no reason other than […]

18 May 2010
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OpenShot survey results show users want dvd creation feature; 88% use ubuntu

The results of the OpenShot survey that was conducted over the last few weeks has ended and the results have been made available on OpenShot developer Cenwen’s blog [French]. They show many interesting things, a brief […]

9 May 2010
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Poll: Should OpenShot change its default theme?

Following on from the launch of the OpenShot survey (which if you haven’t filled in yet you should do so by clicking here) one criticism of OpenShot that I have heard time and time again […]

2 May 2010
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Take the OpenShot Survey and the features YOU want

The developers behind Linux video editor OpenShot have launched a new survey asking users what features they want to see in the next release. The result of the survey will directly influence what features will […]

2 May 2010