Posts from 2015

geary email app in elementary

Elementary OS ‘Freya’ Beta 2 Released

The second beta release of elementary Freya is now available for download, and arrives some six months after the first beta was released to much excitement.

9 February 2015

First Ever Ubuntu Phone Unboxing Video Appears Online

You can expect to see a number of "unboxing videos" for the Bq Ubuntu Phone appear online in the coming days, as those gifted handsets at the Feb 6 event take to the 'tubes to share their thoughts.

7 February 2015

Bq Ubuntu Phone Goes on Sale Next Week at €169, Meizu Device Coming Soon

So, there we have it. After all the waiting, griping and pining we're now only days away from the first Ubuntu Phone going on sale in Europe, courtesy of Spain-based Bq.

7 February 2015
libreoffice app icons

LibreOffice 4.4 Released With Major UI Revamp

A new version of open-source office suite LibreOffice is now available for download and the hands behind it are calling it 'the most beautiful' release ever.

29 January 2015
vivaldi browser

Meet Vivaldi — A New Web Browser Built for Power Users

A brand new web browser has arrived this week that aims to meet the needs of power users — and it's already available for Linux.

27 January 2015
elementary os logo

Elementary Website Goes Open Source, Privacy Minded

The new version of the elementary website is being built entirely in open-source technologies and will be privacy conscious from the start.

27 January 2015
choqok twitter app

Choqok 1.5 Lands With Twitter Fixes, Working Plugin

Whether you're an avid Twitterer or a big social groups user, the latest release of Qt microblogging client Choqok is a must have.

25 January 2015

Ubuntu 15.04 Alpha 2 Releases Ready for Download

USB sticks at the ready: Ubuntu 15.04 Alpha 2 downloads have been released for Ubuntu GNOME, Lubuntu and Kubuntu testers to play with.

22 January 2015
Windows 10 Start Screen

Windows 10 Is Microsoft’s Attempt To Win You Back — But Is It Enough?

Windows 10 is about more than the return of the Start Menu, it's Microsoft's chance at a fresh start — but is it enough to win you back?

22 January 2015
LibreOffice for Android

LibreOffice Viewer for Android Beta Makes On the Go Reading a Cinch

Reading LibreOffice documents on the go gets a heap easier from today with the beta release of LibreOffice Viewer for Android.

21 January 2015

Awesome Stuff: Ubuntu Phone Aggregator Scopes

Scopes are the cornerstone of the Ubuntu Phone experience. Its secret weapon in fighting against the app gap that afflicts every new platform, regardless of brand.

20 January 2015
Ubuntu Core for iot

Canonical Brings Ubuntu to the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things promises to immerse us in a world of intelligent everyday objects, from tweeting table lamps to weight-watching kettles.

20 January 2015