A new release of lightweight webkit browser Midori is now available to download.

Version 0.4.4 sees a number improvements made to the application, including: –

  • Improved Unity Menubar support
  • Drag and drop reordering of speed-dial shortcuts
  • Private browsing mode info screen (see screenshot below)
  • Experimental HTML5 video fullscreen mode support
  • Ability to close tabs by middle clicking close button
  • Improved GTK3 version (requires building from source with the –enable-gtk3 flag)

A full change-log can be found @ git.xfce.org/apps/midori/tree/ChangeLog

Hardcore Midiorites will be pleased to hear that the project will hereon-in receive a small slice of ad revenue generated through use of the default Bing-powered DuckDuckGo search engine.

Install/Upgrade Midori in Ubuntu

Midori 0.4.4 will be available to install from the official Midori PPA at some point in the coming days. For the impatient the release can be compiled from source or installed through a dedicated development PPA (not recommended).
