More posts about “Ubuntu”

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‘Foss Yeaaaah!’ – A Song About Unity, GNOME and Ubuntu

This is amazing. Benjamin Karensa was bored 'in the early A.M.' so spent 5 minutes recording a song about Ubuntu et al called 'Foss Yeaaaah!'. B. Karensa - please get bored more often. I want a whole freaking E.P. of this shiz! ;)

27 November 2011
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Unity 3D Ported to OpenGL ES on ARM

The Ubuntu Developer Summit held earlier this month in California, US, was home to a wealth of discussion, demo and debate on all manners Ubuntu. Part of that extended to Linaro - the ARM-orientated software engineering company of which Canonical are a driving member - who showed off a port of Unity 3D running on an ARM Cortex-A9 Pandaboard using OpenGL ES - a "..subset of the OpenGL 3D graphics API designed for embedded systems such as mobile phones, PDAs, and video game consoles." And its potential is massive.

22 November 2011
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Help Ubuntu Redesign The Sound Settings Menu by Taking this Survey

Ubuntu's Sound Settings menu isn't the worst designed options pane in the history of user interfaces, but there's no denying that a bit a redesign wouldn't hurt. The Canonical Design team are on to this, and have launched a short survey to find out what users think about the current design, what they use, and what could be improved.

21 November 2011

Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day Kicks Off; We’d Like To Thank…

Today marks the first Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day - a new initiative designed to 'thank' people in the wider community whose work or inspiration has helped better Ubuntu.

20 November 2011
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ASUS Ubuntu Netbooks Launch in 100 Portuguese Stores

Ubuntu-loaded ASUS netbooks are now available to buy in over 100 stores across Portugal. The ASUS EeePC 1215P, which boasts 9 hours of battery life, a dual-core 1.55Ghz Intel Atom processor and 12.2″ backlit screen, […]

18 November 2011
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Ubuntu 12.04 Development Update 4

(This is a guest post from Ubuntu developer and Canonical employee Daniel Holbach, which was originally posted here.) Ubuntu Development Update We are five weeks into the release cycle towards and 12.04 and the general […]

17 November 2011
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Ubuntu Translator André Gondim Passes Away

Years ago, I became a full-time Ubuntu user and was looking into the options I had for contributing back. Being a Brazilian, one of those options was naturally helping with the Brazilian Portuguese translations. Shamefully I never went forward with it, but during my brief experience one name caught my attention: Andr Gondim.

4 November 2011

In-Store Ubuntu Displays, PCs Come to China

Imagine walking into a PC store and being greeted by a large Ubuntu-branded display with a host of Ubuntu-powered devices for sale. Well, if you're a PC-seeking shopper in China you'll have over ample opportunity to see just such a display, as Canonical's new retail partnership with Dell puts Ubuntu-powered machines in over 200 stores across the country.

27 October 2011
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Would You Get an Ubuntu Tattoo Like This?

As the editor of an online Ubuntu website it'd be fair to surmise that i'm fairly committed to the Ubuntu project. But committed enough to get the Ubuntu logo tattooed on to my arm?

21 October 2011
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Ubuntu’s 7th Birthday Today: Look Back At Where It All Began

How old do you think Ubuntu is? With 15 releases under its belt, and another on the way, you'd be forgiven for thinking it was a lot older than it actually is! But exactly 7 years ago today Mark Shuttleworth and his team of 'warm-hearted Warthogs' announced the first release of Ubuntu.

20 October 2011

Ubuntu 12.04 Named ‘Precise Pangolin’

Mark Shuttleworth has announced that the codename for Ubuntu 12.04 will be 'Precise Pangolin'.

5 October 2011
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Ubuntu App Developer Portal Released, Wants To Help You Develop Apps For Ubuntu

After several months of work, the Ubuntu Developer Portal aims to help new developers get familiar with the technologies, frameworks and process for developing rich applications for the Ubuntu platform. It features help videos, links to resources, and instructions on how to get started, and for developers with an application already published in the Software Center, a dashboard for tracking downloads or sales, and allows information for the application (like the screenshot, description, name) to be altered.

27 September 2011