More posts about “rumour mill”

ubuntu budgie nimusoft deal?

Are Laptops & PCs Preloaded with Ubuntu Budgie on the Way? (Update: Yes)

Linux laptops and PCs preloaded with Ubuntu Budgie may be on the way, the project's social media pages are teasing.

22 August 2017

The Xiaomi ‘Linux Laptop’ Will Run, Err, Windows 10

The long-rumoured Xiaomi laptop is to go on sale in China this spring — but it won't be running a Linux desktop OS as originally claimed.

22 January 2016

Xiaomi Linux Laptop To Enter Production Early Next Year

Xiaomi's long-rumoured Linux laptop will enter production in the first part of 2016, a new report claims.

26 October 2015

Xiaomi Plan To Release A Laptop That Runs Linux

A 15.6-inch ultra book with high specs and a low price is barely believable. That it might run Linux, even more so…

1 September 2015

HTC Making Ubuntu Tablet? Countdown Sync Fuels Speculation [Squashed]

It's either a masterstroke of timing or an unfortunate coincidence but both Canonical and Taiwanese smartphone & tablet makers HTC are to make important new product announcements later this evening.

19 February 2013