More posts about “maverick”

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Redesigned Installer lands in Maverick

The first drop of the newly redesigned Ubiquity installer for Ubuntu 10.10 has landed in Maverick. We have previously blogged about the changes proposed for the Maverick installer but this is the first time that the new […]

7 August 2010
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Ubuntu 10.10 Countdown Script lets you know how many days until meerkat lands – directly on your desktop

Stat junkies & Ubuntu addicts who need to know exactly how many days remain until everyones favourite Meerkat scuttles into release-land may wish to consider the following small notification script, created by ironic-gnome. The countdown […]

6 August 2010
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Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 3 released – What’s new?

The third alpha release of the Ubuntu 10.10 development cycle has been made available to download. As this is a testing release is is not recommended for casual users but for development purposes only. Whilst […]

5 August 2010
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A handful of Unity updates…

Ubuntu’s new netbook interface ‘Unity’ received a batch of big updates 2 days ago but, due to wrestling with the beasts known as Ralink chipsets, i’ve only just managed to update. What was added, what’s new […]

4 August 2010
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Meerkat’s new sound Indicator: Changes on the way?

Mark Shuttleworth has just posted some focused discussion and mock-ups over on his blog, highlighting the artists name in the new Maverick Sound Menu – like so: I for one think that the sound menu is looking […]

4 August 2010
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OneConf lands in Meerkat

The first inisital release of super-settings sync tool ‘OneConf’ has landed in the Ubuntu Meerkat repos. OneConf has the noble aim of making users lives easy by saving and syncing various data between your Ubuntu […]

3 August 2010
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Firefox to remain default browser in Ubuntu Netbook 10.10

The Ubuntu desktop team have decided to stick with Firefox as default web browser in Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10. During the Ubuntu Developer Summit earlier this year moves were made on staging Chromium as default […]

3 August 2010
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How fast does your PC boot? (Awesome Ubuntu promo video)

Goce Mitevski submitted the following promotional Ubuntu video to the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase group on Vimeo – and boy does it rock! “Free Culture what?” The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase provides users with an […]

3 August 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha Update Adds Working Sound Menu

A few notable updates landed in the latest update of Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha today. Meerkat’s new Sound Menu – seemingly more divisive than Jedward – received some attention. The seeker/scrubber now works (pretty much) as it should and […]

30 July 2010

Unity as of now – looking better than ever

In Benjamin’s earlier post previewing the new GNOME Shell mock-up displayed at GUADEC, Canonicals very ace David Siegel posted this beautiful ‘as-of-now’ screenshot of Ubuntu Unity in a comment. Now, because the screenshot is so […]

29 July 2010
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New apps land in the Meerkat software centre

The Ubuntu Software Centre store front in Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha has really started to flesh out, with an update today adding in a roster of application to the ‘New apps’ section. The apps listed within […]

28 July 2010
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Nautilus-Elementary PPA for Ubuntu 10.10 ready – already!

Early testers, adopters or unaware-upgraders of Ubuntu 10.10 missing their Nautilus-Elementary fix will be pleased to hear that  a testing PPA is ready – already! Shouts out, as ever, to the ace ammonkey and, for […]

27 July 2010