More posts about “Web Browsers”

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Midori 0.3.6 brings welcome fixes, small speed bump

Lightweight webkit web browser Midori got a minor version bump yesterday - but what's new and what's improved?

18 May 2011

How to Make Firefox 4 Look Like Internet Explorer 9

There is no denying that Internet Explorer 9 has found fans with its design revamp. Firefox users wishing to "mimic" the look can now do so.

21 April 2011
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Mozilla intend to ship Firefox 4, 5, 6 and 7 this year

Mozilla have revealed plans to put the Firefox development schedule on steroids. For 2011, they intend, will see the browser bunny-hop from version 3.6 all the way to version 7.0.

7 February 2011

This Ubuntu homepage replacement is slick and informative

New and old Ubuntu users alike will find something to love in this colourful homepage replacement by Ryan Kelln.

16 January 2011
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Social browser Rockmelt is coming to Linux – just not yet

Rockmelt, the much hyped social web browser famously backed by by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, is heading to Linux - only not just yet.

11 December 2010
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Enable ‘Instant’ site loading in Chromium daily build

The Chromium daily builds on Linux now offer up the option to instantly load websites as your enter the address in the URL bar.

26 October 2010
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Zotero reference software heading to the desktop, more browsers

The open source reference management software Zotero is to see a standalone desktop application for Linux, Mac and Windows and support for more browsers.

8 October 2010
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Firefox 4 Beta 3 released

The third beta of the Firefox 4 development cycle has been released. What’s new?  Errr, for Linux users precious little in terms of eye-candy or new buttons to press but boat loads of bug fixes, […]

12 August 2010
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How to run Opera Mini in Ubuntu

Ever wanted to see whether the fuss over Opera Mini - oft lauded as one of the best mobile web browsers - stacks up? Maybe you just want to see how your mobile site will displays to users on smaller screens. Here's how to take the ickle-browser for a spin without the need to go anywhere near a mobile phone...

27 July 2010
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Opera 10.60 Released For Linux – Was it worth the wait?

The first stable release of an Opera browser since November 2009 has finally been announced today. The last stable release of an Opera browser on Linux was the 10.10 branch back in November last year […]

1 July 2010

Opera 10.6 Alpha for Linux Improves UI, Speed

The first Alpha of Opera 10.6 has been released, adding small UI improvements and even-greater speed gains. As development has now moved on to the 10.6x series there will be no stable release of Opera 10.5x for Linux. Speed […]

31 May 2010
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What is the Fastest Browser on Linux?

We seem to be having a browser week here at OMG! towers – posts on Chrome taking a massive chunk of Firefox’s Linux share AND shaking off the beta tag, noting Midori 0.2.6 being released […]

25 May 2010