Search Results for: indicator

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‘Ejector’ tray app adds indicator applet support

Windows users miss an easily accessible tray icon for un-mounting their drives safely in Ubuntu should check out ‘Ejecter‘ (*), an nitfy tool that has recently received some new features…

25 January 2011
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RSS-Aware indicator adds ‘quit’ button, but still no ‘clear all’

An updated version of RSS-aware - an indicator applet for displaying and alerting you to new news items in given feeds - is available for download.

21 January 2011

The OMG! Ubuntu! Guide to the Best Indicator Applets (Updated for 11.10)

The default desktop of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal will not support traditional GNOME panel applets as many of us have become accustomed. In their place sit 'Application Panel Indicators' - a new breed of notification area entries designed to be consistent and unified in look and function thus leading to a desktop more in tune with itself and with its users.

18 January 2011
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The weather indicator project revives; what might have been

The indicator-weather project has kicked back into life this week - meaning none of us need to go without 'weather-info-at-a-glance' on our desktop panel come Ubuntu 11.04. We were briefly involved in the development of the project last year and whilst our designs never made it into being, here they are to peruse at your pleasure.

16 January 2011
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Ubuntu 11.04 Unity update adds new look launcher, more effect options and scrollwheel indicator support

A few new features/options for Unity landed in the Ubuntu 11.04 alpha recently.

15 January 2011
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openSUSE opens up towards Ubuntu’s Indicator Applets

openSUSE users intrigued by Ubuntu’s popular desktop applets will soon be able to install and use them on their own desktop.

6 January 2011
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RSS notification Indicator adds new features

RSS Aware is a useful tool for people who love to stay abreast of the latest news as and when it happens. See what's new and find the download link by clicking 'read more'.

6 January 2011
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Windicators ‘not critical’ to 11.04

Over the last few weeks a number of readers have contacted us asking what's going on with the much-lauded 'Windicators' design initiative.

4 January 2011
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Indicator-wallpaper changer anyone?

It seems there are more ways to change desktop wallpaper in Ubuntu than there are wallpapers. DesktopNova is another tray-based tool for switching between wallpapers but one which , thanks to Michael Otto, now has a shiny application indicator to control it with.

29 December 2010
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Indicator-Virtualbox adds quick-click OS launching to your panel

Indicator-Virtualbox offers a quick way to launch virtual machines via the desktop panel.

27 December 2010
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Change and monitor CPU speed in Ubuntu with Indicator-CPUfreq

With Ubuntu 11.04 dropping the traditional GNOME panel many user-favourite panel applets will be going the way of the proverbial dodo. Not so the CPU Frequency switching applet which has had an indicator make-over by Артём Попов.

20 December 2010

Mono icons for Synapse’s new app indicator

In an update to semantic launcher 'Synapse' an indicator-applet landed and, for now at least, it's not optional. So here are 3 ace mono-icons to replace it with.

6 December 2010