Search Results for: indicator

Shutter Screenshot App Finally Adds an App Indicator

Screenshot-taking tool Shutter has added support for Ubuntu's Application Indicators in its most recent update.

2 August 2012
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Indicator Menus Re-Imagined – Unity-Style

Ubuntu's Unity interface has, to many, brought a refined and beautiful look to the often staid-looking linux desktop. And this is, largely, thanks to the colour co-ordinated Dash, Panel, Launcher and Notification bubbles; the well-tuned transparency balanced throughout; the attentive-accuracy of spacing, icons and hinting; the sleek login experience; etc.

24 April 2012

Ubuntu One Indicator Applet Adds New Features

The unofficial - but totally awesome - Ubuntu One Indicator has been updated with a number of nifty new options and improved memory performance. The applet is useful for Ubuntu One users wanting a more detailed look at the status of their Ubuntu One account without having to open the Control panel application.

17 April 2012
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Broadcom CrystalHD Indicator Applet for Ubuntu

Broadcom’s cheap and cheerful CrystalHD card, which can found in many netbooks, laptops and desktops, offers real-time hardware-accelerated decoding of HD video content – including HD flash – at up-to 1080p. Broadcom provide a set of […]

24 February 2012
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Easily Monitor System Resources in Ubuntu With Indicator-Multiload

Do you like to keep an eye on system resource usage in Ubuntu? Like many people I only tend to do so when my desktop is grinding to a halt because of a misbehaving app. Because of this I'm sometimes too impatient late to gracefully rectify the situation; my desktop becomes so unresponsive that nothing short of a hard reboot is required inorder to solve the screw up in a timely fashion. But maybe if I kept a cautious eye on hardware usage I would spot rogue apps before they got out of hand. Perhaps by using something like Indicator Multiload: -

8 February 2012
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Catch of the Day: Wanda the Fish Indicator-Applet

When GNOME transitioned to its shiny new GNOME 3 desktop the 'GNOME Applets' of previous releases were lost - including user-favourite 'Wanda the fish.' But now the animated fish is back in Indicator-Applet form. Read on for details on how to 'net' her.

24 November 2011
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‘My Weather Indicator’ Adds Geolocation Support

Panel-based weather applet My Weather Indicator has added geolocation support, providing input free location detection based on your IP. With many of us used to mobile apps and online weather sites using of geolocation to serve […]

27 October 2011

Get Stuff Down With Pomodoro Indicator Timer for Ubuntu

Indicator-Pomodoro is a small tray-based timer tool designed specifically for use with Pomodoro technique.

7 September 2011
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Unity Update Part 2: Music Lens, Indicator Changes And More

Further to our look earlier today at the design changes that Unity 2D in Ubuntu 11.10 is sporting, here is short burst of screen shots and tid-bits on changes to Ubuntu proper. Remember that everything […]

11 August 2011
Update Indicator for GNOME Shell

‘Update Indicator’ Extension for GNOME Shell Puts Upgrade Alerts in Your Panel

If you're a GNOME Shell user who took fancy to the 'Update Manager Indicator' we featured last Friday and want something similar for your own system - you're in luck!

27 July 2011
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Update Manager Indicator puts Ubuntu updates in your panel

Ubuntu user and Python developer Jonas Frei sent us an email with a new project he's working on that's aimed at making Ubuntu updates easier to access, and consistinify (new word, do you like it?) Update Manager's presence in the panel.

22 July 2011
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Ubuntu Mono Icons for The Hamster Time Tracking Indicator Applet

Reader Matt has created some mono icons for use with the Hamster time-tracking indicator-applet.

17 June 2011