Search Results for: elementary

Must Read: elementary OS 5.1 Hera Released, This is What’s New

The elementary OS 5.1 release is now available to download. We look at new features in elementary OS 5.1 hera, such as Flatpak support and new login screen.

3 December 2019

elementary OS Now Has Support for Flatpak Apps

Elementary OS Flatpak support is now rolling out to users via a software update. The change will make it easier to install Flatpak apps on elementary OS.

3 November 2019
google drive ocamlfuse on linux graphic

VGrive is a Google Drive Linux Client Written in Vala, Designed for elementaryOS

Vgrive is a free Google Drive Linux client 'designed for elementary OS' but also available to download and install on Ubuntu and Linux Mint desktops.

28 October 2019
Enso Linux distribution

Enso OS is a Quirky Linux Distro Mixing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Xfce, and elementaryOS

We look at Enso OS, a Linux distribution that combines Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, the Xfce desktop and several elementaryOS projects into one truly unique distro.

11 June 2019
snaptastic elementary os app

You Can Install Snap Apps on elementary OS Using ‘Snaptastic’

Snaps are a must-try in Linuxland because they work across multiple Linux distributions, from Arch to Fedora — and it’s dead simple to sample ’em! But what about on elementary OS? In this article we […]

8 June 2019

Elementary OS Juno Beta 2 Released

Elementary OS June beta 2 is now available to download. This second beta build of the Ubuntu-based Linux distribution touts a number of changes over the elementary OS june beta released back in July. Due to the […]

22 September 2018

Mystery Donation Lets Elementary Hire Full-Time Staff

The GNOME project recently received a $1 million donation from an anonymous benefactor — now it seems the altruism is spreading to other open source projects. The folks behind elementary OS, a popular Ubuntu-based Linux distribution, have revealed they too recently received […]

4 August 2018

Elementary OS “Juno” Beta is Now Available to Download

The first elementary OS Juno beta is now available to download! Elementary OS 5.0 Juno¹ is the next major version of this popular Ubuntu-based Linux distribution. Based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Juno will ship with access to […]

3 July 2018
elementary os logo

Elementary OS Juno will be version 5.0, not 0.5

A new version of elementary OS arrives in the spring, and when it does it’ll have a number of significant new features and changes on offer. Among them a small yet appreciable bump to the version number. […]

5 February 2018
elementary desktop folder app with text

[How To] Put Icons on the Desktop in elementary OS

Ever tried elementary OS? If so you’ll know that you can’t put icons on the desktop by default. It’s a frustrating experience, particularly if you’re used to being able to use the desktop space as […]

27 January 2018
geary email app in elementary

Elementary OS ‘Freya’ Beta 2 Released

The second beta release of elementary Freya is now available for download, and arrives some six months after the first beta was released to much excitement.

9 February 2015
elementary os logo

Elementary Website Goes Open Source, Privacy Minded

The new version of the elementary website is being built entirely in open-source technologies and will be privacy conscious from the start.

27 January 2015