Search Results for: 10 things to do

Deepin Software Centre in Ubuntu

[How to] Run the Linux Deepin Software Centre in Ubuntu 11.10

Were it an actual physical place then the Linux Deepin Software Centre would surely take the form of a high-end department store. With a custom look, an easy to navigate layout, and a number of intuitive features the Deepin Software Centre makes Ubuntu's default store look a bit... last season. So keep up with the trends: here's how to run the Deepin Software Centre in Ubuntu 11.10...

4 January 2012
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[How to] Install Empathy with MSN XMPP Support in Ubuntu 11.10

We've blogged about it endlessly of late - but now Ubuntu 11.10 users can finally try it out for themselves. What am I jabbering about? Empathy with Microsoft's newly-implemented MSN XMPP support...

23 December 2011
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Small Things That Matter: Logging Out of Ubuntu From the Dash

I know it's minor, but I am so pleased to see support for logging out, restarting and shutting down added to the Dash in Ubuntu 11.10.

10 October 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update 15

One week left! Are you excited already? The release candidate is going to get out soon and we will have days full of testing the installation on all architectures, in all kinds of installations scenarios. If you want to help out with the testing, it will be much appreciated. So what's still happening? It's interesting to note that still quite a number of fixes is going in. Also has the planning for the 12.04 ("Precise Pangolin") cycle been started. Matthias Klose sent out an email about the preparation of the P-cycle archive: the wiki page lists a number of significant changes for 'precise', like updates to gcc, binutils, swig and other core components and dropping python2.6.

7 October 2011
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A Handful of Minor Unity Changes Land in Ubuntu 11.10

A bunch of bug fixes and minor tweaks to Unity in Ubuntu 11.10 slid down the update pipe yesterday - but what exactly has changed? Read on in for a handful of notable highlights...

30 September 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update 14

This is a guest post from Daniel Holbach, who will be posting updates about Ubuntu Development. (Original Post). Ubuntu Development Update These are the days where the release team is awake for 24 hour per […]

30 September 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update 13

This is a guest post from Daniel Holbach, who will be posting updates about Ubuntu Development. (Original Post). Ubuntu Development Update Sticking exactly to the plan, we are quickly moving towards the release of 11.10, […]

25 September 2011
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Help Create A Countdown Banner for Ubuntu 11.10

The bi-annual call for Ubuntu countdown banners seems to have been whispered rather than shouted this year, but if you're game for creating a mini-timer the world can plaster around the interwebs from Oneiric Beta 2 onward - now's your chance!

15 September 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update 12

This is a guest post from Daniel Holbach, who will be posting updates about Ubuntu Development. (Original Post). Ubuntu Development Update We are racing towards the release of 11.10, and it’s only four weeks until […]

15 September 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update 11

Ubuntu Development Update The Ubuntu 11.10 release is getting nearer and nearer. It’s time to start organising your local release party! Only five weeks left until release! So what’s still left to do in these […]

8 September 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Beta Released, Reviewed

The first beta release of Ubuntu 11.10 has been made available for download - but what can you expect to find?

1 September 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development update 10

This is a guest post from Daniel Holbach, who will be posting updates about Ubuntu Development. (Original Post). Ubuntu Development Update The Ubuntu 11.10 release is coming closer and closer. Only six weeks left until […]

1 September 2011