Docky and Deluge torrent app were great bedfellows for a while, with the former able to display transfer rates for the latter.

And then it broke when the latest version of Deluge was released. Boo.

Thanks to Gary over at who took it upon himself to fashion a new and working Docky helper for Deluge we can get the nifty feature working again in no-time.

Gary’s improved Docky Helper is one again able to display Deluge transfer rates on Docky and Deluge. It also comes with some new features, such as ‘Pause All/Resume All’ menu entries and greater stability over its predecessor.


You can download the Deluge Helper 1.2 @ this link.


To install click the ‘Anchor’ icon on Docky, go to the ‘Helpers’ tab and click on ‘Install’.

Navigate to the downloaded ‘docky_deluge12helper.tar’ folder and ‘Select’.

You may need to exit and re-enter the help list to see the ‘Deluge v1.2’ entry in the Helpers menu. Activate it by clicking on the ‘cogs’ icon.

For troubleshooting and further information check out Gary’s post @