Julien Lavergne of the Lubuntu team has just posted the proposed milestone dates for the Lubuntu 10.10 development cycle on the Lubuntu mailing-list.

Do bear in mind that these dates are be subject to change but have been drawn up against the official Ubuntu release schedule so should hold true more-or-less.

If you’re a keen follower of Lubuntu then be sure to add some of the following dates into your Calendar: –

June 3rd : Alpha 1
July 1st : Alpha 2
July 29th : End of proposal for Artwork
August 5th : Alpha 3
August 12th : Feature Freeze (no more feature/new versions included)
August 26th : Artwork and User-Interface Freeze (no artwork changes)
September 2nd : Beta
September 16th : Final Freeze
September 30th : RC*
October 10th : Final Release*

* It supposed that the final release is build on Ubuntu infrastructure.
Otherwise, it will be a Beta 2 instead of RC, and a final beta for the
final release.
