Gedit needs a new logo. Judging by their current one (see below) I’d add the adjective desperately into proceedings.


This is somewhat old news, and I’m not sure if the Gedit team are still looking but it’s only just been brought to my attention (thanks Steven!).

There are a few caveats to bear in mind if you intend to flex your digital-art muscle in creating a new logo:

  • The logo should be under a free license compatible with gedit’s license
  • The logo should be in a format editable with free tools and possibly realized with free tools
  • The logo should say gedit, not Gedit or GEdit or gEdit
  • The logo should be stylish but simple with not too many colors
  • The logo should have a transparent background to fit in different contexts like web-pages, about dialog etc
  • Avoid cartoonish logos and cartoonish fonts
  • Do not simply take the text-editor icon and stick “gedit” on top
  • For historical reasons we would like to keep the current dark red color

If you’ve got time to spare then come up with something and send it to

  • pborelli AT gnome DOT org
  • jessevdk AT gnome DOT org
  • icq AT gnome DOT org

Also, don’t forget to share your designs with the rest of us in the comments below!

Thanks to Steven
