users are once again able to dent themselves content using the open-source Qt social networking app Choqok.

Released at the weekend, Choqok 1.5 is the first release of the app in more than a year and a half.

It arrives with a small but welcome set of changes, the most notable of which is a working plugin for the service used by (and a handful of smaller microblogs) since 2013.

The older “StatusNet” plugin which supported previously has been renamed ‘GNU Social‘. Choqok developers are keeping it included to ensure that users of self-hosted ‘StatusNet’ services can keep chatting away without interruption.

Twitter fans will not be left in a flap with this update either. Choqok 1.5 brings support for Twitter photo previews in the timeline (though nowhere else for now), fixes a number of bugs, including direct messaging, favouriting and timeline updating issues, and comes with a built-in button for reporting users to Twitter.

Other general changes shipping as part of Choqok 1.5 include:

  • Option to disable system tray
  • New URL expander plugin
  • GNU Social plugin adheres to server’s custom character limit
  • Fixes for ‘yourls’ and ‘’ URL shortening plugins

Choqok Ubuntu PPA

Chocqok 1.5 is available to install on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 14.10 and 15.04 using a PPA maintained by Choqok fan Adilson dos Santos Dantas.

A word of caution before installing: as a Qt application with KDE integration Choqok also installs a stack of dependencies, including Phonon, KWallet and the Oxygen icon theme.

If you’re okay with that you can add the Choqok PPA to your Software Sources in Ubuntu by opening a new Terminal window and entering the following two commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:adilson/experimental
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install choqok

After installation has completed launch Choqok (look for a little green bird icon) from your app launcher and follow the account sign-in prompt that appears to get things set up.

For more information on this release, or on the app in general, jump to the official website in the source link below.