With so many Xmas photos poised to be taken over the next few days it’s a good job that there are many great tools for photo management and uploading on Ubuntu.

Flickr fans may be pleased to hear that cutely named ‘Frogr’ desktop Flickr tool has hit version 0.3.

This new release sees an improved Flickr authentication process, the option to cancel uploads mid-progress and, sure to be the jewel of this release for many, the ability to select which of your Flickr albums your photos should upload to.

Bug fixes, translation updates and the odd menu rearrangement pad out the rest of the user-noticeable changes.

Other features long-since present include the ability to set/edit titles, tags and descriptions on a per image or group process.


Ubuntu 10.04 and Ubuntu 10.10 users can find an easy-to-install .deb package ready for download @ code.google.com/p/frogr/downloads/list

flickr frogr photouploaders