More posts about “scripts”

Analyse Your Wi-Fi Signal Strength on Ubuntu With This Script

Wifi signal strength can vary from room to room so knowing where the best spot to pitch up when snagging the latest 1.5GB Ubuntu .iso is valuable information. There are several apps available on Linux that […]

7 August 2016
nautilus logo

Streamline Your Workflow With These Nifty Nautilus Scripts

Nautilus is a powerful file manager, and by using its built-in shell scripting feature you can really level it up further.

18 July 2016

Scripts to ‘Fix’ ThinkPad Touchpad Issues on Ubuntu

I don’t own a ThinkPad, but I know that a lot of you do. A reader who doesn’t wish to be credited pinged us a link to a set of scripts that claim to “fix” touchpad and […]

13 June 2016

How To Run Multiple Conky Scripts At The Same Time

If you want to run multiple Conky themes at the same time you can do so easily, without installing any extra packages. In this quick tip we show you how.

23 February 2016
chameleonic ambiance script in action

‘Chameleonic Ambiance’ Script Matches GTK Theme to Your Wallpaper

Unity's 'chameleonic' colour matching feature is great at giving the Ubuntu desktop to give your desktop a subtle but consistent feel. It takes the 'average' colour of your desktop wallpaper and uses this to 'tint' the Unity dash, launcher and notification bubbles. But what if it went a bit further and used this colour in the default GTK theme? That 'What if' has now been answered by developer David Callé.

24 May 2012
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[How To] Quickly Convert ogv to avi Video Files in Ubuntu

YouTube hates Ogv. Seriously. If you've ever taken the trouble to record a screencast of your desktop for a video tutorial; spent hours in PiTiVi editing a video of your hamster doing the macarena; or otherwise ended up with a video in the .ogv file format you'll know that this is true. Here's a quick script that makes conversion of ogv to avi a snap.

23 September 2011
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‘Bleedingedge’ script lets you quickly add beta software to Ubuntu

Sometimes it seems like there just aren't enough ways to endanger your stable Ubuntu set-up. 'BleedingEdge' is a script that offers up a selection of unstable software to put paid to that.

23 May 2011
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‘YeoWorks Ubuntu Solutions’ provides one-click fixes for common Ubuntu issues

Solving minor issues in Ubuntu just got easier with the launch of '?YeoWorks Ubuntu Solutions' - a small application that provides one-click 'solutions' for a raft of Ubuntu bugs, flaws and annoyances.

18 May 2011
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Script to set the ‘NASA wallpaper of the day’ as your wallpaper daily

Reader Christian S. sends word of an automated wallpaper script he's written that helps alleviate boring background blues (with some help from NASA).

27 February 2011
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How to quickly install Virtualbox 4.0 in Ubuntu

Want to easily upgrade to the latest version of virtual machine application 'Virtualbox'? You now can using the following small script.

4 January 2011
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Zeitgeist Time freeze (or how not to lose your logs every 6 months) [Updated with download]

Over on DevinatArt, designer Izobalax has been musing on a minor flaw in Zeitgeists armour: the ability to easily 'take' your logswith you.

27 December 2010
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Intelligent boot splash greeter

Elephants and readers with a good memory may remember an 'ambient boot splash' proposal we featured at the end of October.

21 December 2010