More posts about “chromium”

Chromium or Google Chrome: Which Do You Use? [Poll]

Reader David G mailed in to see we'd be interested in running a poll to see which 'brand' of Chrome Linux users prefer to use - either Google's Flash-plugin packing Google Chrome or the open-source, ready-in-the-repos Chromium. Given that our visitor stats don't distinguish between Chromium (both are grouped together as 'Chrome')I thought this would, indeed, be rather interesting to see. So, Sunday poll time: Do you use Chromium or Google Chrome? Let us know by voting in the poll inside.

26 February 2012
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Firefox 5 released; faster release cycle and fewer features

It was only a few weeks ago that Firefox 4 was finally released after a development cycle lasting over a year. While Firefox 4 added features and speed, Mozilla believe more should be done to keep up with Google's increasingly popular browser, Chrome.

22 June 2011
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HTML5 version of Angry Birds lets you play in Chrome on Ubuntu

The folks over at Rovio, creators of the now famous Angry Birds, have unleashed an HTML5 version of the popular game that's designed to run in Chrome (or Chromium!) on any operating system.

12 May 2011
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Chromium Daily build adds Unity Quicklist

Adding even more reason for switching to Chromium in Ubuntu, the latest Daily build of the browser has added a Unity Quicklist to the launcher icon, courtesy of Fabien Tassin.

6 May 2011
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Mimic the look of Ubuntu’s Overlay-scrollbars in Chrome/ium

Chrome/ium doesn't use Ubuntu's new Overlay Scrollbars which is a shame: thy're cute, slim and awesome to use. Whilst we can't enable overlay scrollbars themselves in Chrome/ium we can at least match the look, courtesy of reader Micha R who mailed in just how to do this...

5 May 2011
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Chromium Daily adds Unity progress bar and badge support

The latest daily builds of Chromium come with a neat gift for Natty users - Unity Launcher progress bar and badge support. This is the second Unity-specific feature to land in Chromium. Ubuntu Application Menu support landed in the 'about:flags' staging area back in mid-April. Read on for install instructions.

3 May 2011
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Chrome’s tabs integrated into Ubuntu’s panel? Yes, please!

OMG! Ubuntu! reader Cyrill sent us through a little mockup of what Ubuntu would look like with tabs inside the panel. He says "On my netbook's 10 inch screen, every single pixel is important. And as there is barely no global menu for Chromium (this changed apparently in Natty), i was wondering how it would look if tabs were using that free space."

28 April 2011
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Ubuntu Global Menu Support comes to Chromium

The latest Daily Builds of open-source browser Chromium have added in experimental support for Ubuntu 11.04's new Global Menu via the about:flags staging area.

12 April 2011
Firefox 4 App Tabs

Firefox 4 released today; it’s faster & feature rich – is it enough to compete with Chrome?

Today marks the release of Mozilla's long awaited Firefox 4. This new version of Firefox boasts that it's faster and simpler to use, as well as introducing a few new features, most notably, Firefox Sync. But is it good enough to compete with Google Chrome?

22 March 2011
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Chromium browser gets new a logo. Ish.

As spotted over on the excellent Chrome-obsessed blog 'Chrome Story' the Chromium daily builds are sporting a redesigned logo

8 March 2011
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Social browser Rockmelt is coming to Linux – just not yet

Rockmelt, the much hyped social web browser famously backed by by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, is heading to Linux - only not just yet.

11 December 2010
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Get Chromium on Ubuntu To Play mp4, H.264, MP3 & view PDF files natively

Google ChromeOS will do many wonderful things – the free and open-source version ‘Chromium OS’ sadly won’t. Many of these ‘features’ can, given the nature of what Chrome/iumOS is, be enabled easily in both – […]

21 November 2010