Search Results for: indicator

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Indicator-based clipboard tool Diodon now available for Ubuntu 10.04 users

Light-weight Clipboard indicator applet Diodon has finally been made available for Ubuntu 10.04 users. Simple in purpose and running directly from the indicator-applet area, Diodon is able to 'capture' a wide variety of clipboard items including Pictures, files and URLs. It then lists them within the indicator-applet for easy access at a later date.

24 April 2011
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Indicator-Weather: "Is it just me or…"

Panagiotis Skintzos has begun on a Vala port of Indicator-Weather. Whilst there are many great ideas in the new design layout there is one aspect that bugs me...

28 March 2011
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Indicator-Sysmonitor: simple system stats app for Ubuntu

Monitoring system resource usage in Ubuntu is easy thanks to a vaierty of GNOME Panel applets, Conky scripts and Screenlets. 'Indicator SysMonitor' is an indicator-applet that displays CPU and memory usage in the desktop panel (either GNOME-Panel or the Unity panel).

26 March 2011
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Indicator-weather adds data caching, extra weather providers and locations

Indicator-Weather, the weather forecast applet, has updated this weekend, adding support for forecast data caching, extra weather service providers and making available more locations.

20 March 2011
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Torrent app Deluge adds indicator-applet

Take one torrent application, one almost-beta OS and add in some indicator-applet support. What do you get? A bunch of relieved users...

17 March 2011
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Indicator-Network Looking Good in Ubuntu 11.04

It's been a while since I last played around with alternative Ubuntu connection manager 'Indicator-Network' - but by jove it's come a long way since!

11 March 2011
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Feed Indicator update add a few new options

Everyone’s favourite panel-based RSS reader — Feed indicator — has been updated.   Feed Indicator in Ubuntu 10.10 New features and fixes added to the latest release include: – Option to group each feed in […]

3 March 2011
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Indicator Datetime nabs some natty new choices

Ubuntu 11.04's panel clock Indicator - Indicator Datetime - has received a handful of new features.

28 February 2011
Battery status indicator

How to add a detailed battery indicator to Ubuntu

For as long as I am able to remember the Battery indicator in Ubuntu has, for me, been just shy of useless. Whilst it pictorially displays my battery charge it hasn't been able to provide me with anything more: all I get for enquiring further is a never-changing 'estimating...' menu entry. Thankfully an alternative indicator-shaped solution is available...

25 February 2011
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Indicator-weather update puts temperature on panel

Weather information applet 'indicator-weather' has added some spit and polish to its latest release - including the display of current temperature directly on the panel.

15 February 2011
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Feed Indicator: A new RSS applet for your panel

A new panel-based RSS reader has been released for feed-fanatics to get their fix from.

7 February 2011
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Hotot twitter app adds Indicator applet support. Again.

It feels an absolute age since I last mentioned slick Twitter application Hotot on these pages but today finally saw a feature fix that gave me reason to: Indicator-applet support is now working. "Wait, didn't it already have this?" you ask. Well, yes it did but the emphasis lies very much on the 'did'.

4 February 2011