A new version of the Papirus icon theme for Linux desktops is available to download.

Furthering August’s amiable update, Papirus designers add 38 new and updated icons in this refresh.

Among the gamut of glyphs within are icons for GTK audio editor Ear Tag, Material Design-led music player Harmonoid, and convergent KDE podcast client Kasts.

There are also icons for the Chromium-based web browser Naver Whale, well-regarded Gabut Download Manager, and the Electron-based and privacy-focused Discord client WebCord.

papirus icons for various apps
5 of the 38 new icons

Gamers will appreciate the inclusion of icons for Wii IU emulator Cemu, Play on Linux, the Flatpak version of Atari 2600 VCS emulator Stella, and motifs for Epic Games Launcher, Roblox Player Launcher, and beta builds of the Roblox Studio Launcher.

Updated icons for Deja Dup, Font Downloader, Quod Libet (and ExFalso), self-described developer ‘scratchpad’ Short Circuit, and file deletion tool Raider. There is also resized tray icon for the multi-protocol chat app Ferdium.

Papirus is one of the best icon sets for Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. Its coverage is vast, with support for a wide range of apps, tools, and games, both open source and closed source. Users are able to make requests for new icons through Papirus’ GitHub page.

Don’t use Papirus? You can install Paprius icons on Ubuntu using the official Papirus PPA, which supports Ubuntu 18.04 LTS through to 22.10 (at the time of this update):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:papirus/papirus
sudo apt update && sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme

To change icon theme on Ubuntu use the GNOME Tweaks tool, available to install from the Software app.

Eye Candy Icons papirus