Stats, stats and more stats

Canonical has launched an official webpage to relay Ubuntu user statistics collected by the Ubuntu report tool.

The company had shared a few early findings from its data collection tool earlier in the year, but we’ve had to wait until now to get the full set via a fancy-pants website.

And they were worth the wait.

All of the info that makes up the Ubuntu user statistics report was collated from non-identifiable system data that users who installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS explicitly opted in to share.

For this Canonical says it “appreciate[s] the trust” users have given it, and says it will “use the results to focus our development efforts on where it matters most to users.”

It’s for precisely that reason why we (controversially, perhaps) made choosing to share your system info with Canonical part of our list of things to do after installing Ubuntu 18.10 list.

That and, well, we’re nosey.

The data is separated into three distinct sections:

  • User report 
  • Desktop specs
  • Configurations

Each section spans a range of questions. These are neatly presented don the website with a smattering of colourful graphs, bar charts, pie charts and other informational graphics. It’s nice that the findings are in a nicely digestible format!

I won’t spoil the all of the insights the report offers, but here are few notable snatches that reveal:

  • 66% of Ubuntu users chose to share data with Canonical
  • 98% of all Ubuntu 18.04 installs were 64-bit
  • 12% of users chose the ‘minimal’ install option


  • 91% choose to download and update software whilst installing Ubuntu

In addition we learn that users use have a single or dual core processor and between 1GB and 4GB of RAM. The most common screen resolution is a roomy 1920×1080 (and I assume/hope that 11% of folks rocking a tiny 800×600 resolution are all virtual machine users).

To learn even more about the system choices of your fellow Ubuntu users scoot on over of the stats page on the official Ubuntu website, linked to below.

Visit the ‘Ubuntu User Statistics’ Web Page

Thanks Dawid

statistics ubuntu 18.04 LTS ubuntu report