The ‘Album’ View in GNOME Music at the time of writing

Work on a new music player for the GNOME desktop continues to pick up pace.

The plainly named ‘Music’ was one of several ‘core GNOME app’ designs envisioned for the ‘new’ GNOME 3.x desktop. But until recently it remained little more than a mock-up on a wiki-page in a cob-webbed corner of the internet.

That was until the irrepressibly motivated Seif Lotfy stepped in, gathered a group of developers around the project and, in less than a month, turned it into a full-working application.

Music is expected to replace Rhythmbox as the default music application on the GNOME desktop, possibly as early as GNOME 3.10.

Music in Ubuntu GNOME 13.04
Music in Ubuntu GNOME 13.04


Music is still very much ‘in development’. But work on the app seems breakneck at present. Almost every day a new key change, feature, or fix is added by the dev team as it pushes towards completing “Phase 1” of its development road-map.

Post “phase 1” (and an expected public beta) work on filling out the feature set will begin. This will include:

  • Playlist creation/management
  • ‘Selection’ functionality across all views
  • Adding Search
  • Implement remote resources

But so far so good! If you’re interested in testing or helping you’ll find more information about the app on this GNOME Wiki Page.