Tomboy is Ubuntu’s default note-taking application – and a pretty good one at that.

Developer Rémi Rérolle thinks so too, and wrote in to share word of his ‘Tomboy Lens‘ for Ubuntu.

Tomboy Unity Lens

The Tomboy Lens provides a number of basic features.

The Lens itself presents a note-only overview of your saved notes for easy launching, along with a ‘New Note’ entry for the creation of new notes.

The search bar within the Lens lets you search through the contents of all of your notes so you can whittle down and find whatever it is you’re after.

unity tomboy lens

This feature is also extended to the main ‘Dash’ homescreen too, where any related Tomboy results appear in their own sub-section: –

Searching tomboy notes in the Dash


The Lens works as described and without any noticeable issues. Notes are appear in the Lens almost instantly during search.

It would be nice to see a’refine’ section added, perhaps with simple sifting for dates (e.g. ‘created in last day | week | month’ ).


The lens is currently only available for Ubuntu 11.10 users only, and it should go without saying that for this lens to be of use you’ll need to have Tomboy installed.

The first step is to add the Tomboy Lens repository to your Software Sources: –

  • ppa:remi.rerolle/unity-lens-tomboy

Then update your system before proceeding to install the Lens itself: –

Click here to install Tomboy Lens

Thanks to Rérolle