Before I hit the sack for tonight here is a small icon-based treat for, well, the icon-loving fans out there.

Desktop RSS application Liferea has a pretty colourful tray icon and, whether you dig it or not, it certainly disrupts the ‘zen’ of the default mono-style theme our favourite OS rocks out with by default.

So too thought Rob van Grunsve who set out to come up with some “fitting” mono-lifrea icons of his own – and then mailed us them to share with you!



Download @


Move the icons into the Liferea pixmaps folder like so: –

  • Press the ‘ALT’ and ‘F2′ keys together and enter the following line:
    • gksu nautilus usr/share/liferea/pixmaps
  • Drag and drop the liferea icons extracted from the downloaded archive
  • Restart liferea

Don’t forget you can also add Liferea to the Ubuntu Messaging Menu!

Icons liferea