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We’ve probably all seen, at some point, varying different productivity wallpapers.

OMG! Ubuntu! reader Osvaldo decided that he wanted the default 10.04 wallpaper with some nice looking organizational helps, so he made up this great looking wallpaper:

This is a great looking wallpaper that fits in smoothly with the default look, but adding that productive sorting ability. Great job, Osvaldo! While I myself like using my desktop as

a to-do list by elimination (things only stay if they’re active right now, and I get rid of them ASAP), I’m sure some of you will make great use of this.

For those of you with odd resolutions and the like, Osvaldo has also sent along a XCF you can download here (thats my dropbox, not some virus ridden site). For the straight 1680×1050 version, you can grab it here.