More posts about “distro”

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Linux Mint 12 RC: The Greatest Hits

First off, let me say that I am a guest poster and my opinions do not represent those of Ohso or any others writers here at OMG! Ubuntu! With all the Unity less-than-loving going around […]

15 November 2011
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Linux Mint 11 released – plays safe with GNOME 2 desktop, but adds some Natty touches

The latest edition of Ubuntu-based Linux Mint been released, retaining the GNOME 2.32 desktop but adding in a few new touches elsewhere.

26 May 2011
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Elementary OS ‘Jupiter’ released, reviewed

After what seems like an eternity of waiting, reading (and, for some of us, hyping) the first release of the elementary project's very own operating system is finally available to download.

31 March 2011