Search Results for: 10 things to do

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The Ubuntu 11.10 Default Wallpaper

Is this the default wallpaper for Ubuntu 11.10? All signs point to it being so....

29 August 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update

This is a guest post from Daniel Holbach, who will be posting updates about Ubuntu Development. (Original Post). Ubuntu Development Update This week we are about to hit UI Freeze and Beta Freeze and we […]

25 August 2011

Lucid Lives: 10 Apps Still Updated for Ubuntu 10.04

With Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 long since out, and Ubuntu 11.10 stirring up excitement with every update, it's easy to forget that the 16 month old Long Term Support release of Ubuntu 10.04 remains installed on many a users computer. But there are a number of applications that provide their latest versions for Ubuntu 10.04 users, and in this post I'll highlight 10 of the very best applications still loving the honourable Lucid Lynx.

19 August 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development update

Loads of good stuff is happening in Ubuntu these days. You can get a good idea of it when you check out the oneiric-changes mailing list. Lots of these changes have been in the making for a bit longer, so expect the ground-breaking changes to happen in the next few weeks. If you're after the big picture overview: the status overview should give you a very detailed look on how each feature is progressing. It's two weeks until Alpha 3 is going to be released and 3 weeks until Feature Freeze, when the majority of the feature work should have landed. If you have updates you want to get into Ubuntu which shake things up, you better get a move on and do it now. Read on for the weekly rundown by Daniel Holbach.

21 July 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development update

This is a guest post from Daniel Holbach, who will be posting updates about Ubuntu Development. (Original Post). Ubuntu Development Update With Alpha 2 out of the way, loads of new things are getting into […]

14 July 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development update

This is a guest post from Daniel Holbach, who will be posting updates about Ubuntu Development. (Original Post). Ubuntu Development Update Let’s have a look at the release schedule together: It’s Alpha 2 week! So […]

7 July 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update 3

We are one week away from Alpha 2, so right now you can see lots of developers trying to get as many things into Ubuntu Oneiric as possible: AirPrint, theme changes and loads of other stuff. After this milestone we will have only 4 weeks left until Feature Freeze at which stage most of the features should have have landed.

30 June 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update

Oneiric development is in full swing and with Feature Freeze still 7 weeks away, most of the intrusive changes are landing in the development release as we speak. Alpha 2 will be released in two weeks which should be a great time to check out what's currently happening. As always: the status overview might give you an idea how each feature is progressing.

23 June 2011
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Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update

This week has been busy. Lots of bits and pieces are coming together in Oneiric and the status overview might give you an idea how each feature is progressing. If you look at the release schedule for Ubuntu 11.10 you can see that Oneiric is still in the development phase, where most of the heavy lifting is being done and where things are still broken. Still it's a great time to get involved and fix a few issues early on. Check out the last section of this post to find out how to get started.

16 June 2011
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Ubuntu Software Centre 5.0 Designs Hint At Great Things to Come…

The Canonical design team are currently hard at work designing, testing, evaluating new layouts for the Ubuntu Software Centre version 5.0. Their work so far has resulted in three highly impressive mock-ups of Ubuntu Software Store interfaces heavily featuring an aggregated set of features that are par-the-course for Application Stores across various platforms.

15 June 2011
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Weekly Ubuntu 11.10 Development Update

Development of Oneiric (Ubuntu 11.10) is in full swing, we just got Alpha 1 out last week and here's the list of dates that are coming up in the next few weeks...

10 June 2011
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Unity Community Contributor plans for 11.10

For Ubuntu 11.04 we made an effort to make Unity easy to contribute to, so that anyone who wanted to participate could help out and help drive the development of Unity forward. During UDS in Budapest, Hungary, we had a session on how we're going to improve this program. As luck would have it this was a video'ed session, and what you'll read in this post is a result of that session and some other feedback from people.

7 June 2011