More posts in “Hardware”

A ton of Linux-powered hardware is out there, ranging from supercomputers and space rovers to more down-to-earth products like laptops, desktop PCs, smartphones, tablets, and more.

Lenovo ThinkPad E530: The Ideal Ubuntu Laptop? [Review]

“ThinkPad” the revered laptop brand of techies, whether under IBM or Lenovo, has been a long-time friend to Linux users. But how does the Lenovo ThinkPad E530, which went on sale earlier this year, fare under Ubuntu?

25 October 2012

Meet The $799 All-in-One Ubuntu PC from System76

The first all-in-one PC to ship with Ubuntu pre-installed has gone on sale. System76's 'Sable Complete' packs a powerful set of internals behind a 21.5" HD display with edge-to-edge glass, aluminium trimming and a 'sleek, industrial design'.

24 October 2012

System76 All-in-One PC Launching Tomorrow

Apple aren't the only company dropping new products: Ubuntu computer makers System76 are also gearing up for a new product release. They tweeted this image of an 'all-in-one' PC earlier today, but no other details are yet known.

23 October 2012

Ubuntu Demoed on Nexus 7 Tablet

Ubuntu's shift onto tablets and mobiles is now afoot, as a new video demoing Ubuntu on a Nexus 7 shows.

20 October 2012

Would You Buy This Ubuntu-Branded Smartphone Speaker?

Canonical sell a variety of Ubuntu-branded merchandise through their online store, but is this - the "Ubuntu Speaker" - worthy of the bearing the brand? Manufactured by Oregon Scientific, the 'Boombero' speaker is, in all fairness, pretty unique.

19 October 2012

ASUS Announce 2 New Windows 8 Laptops, Both Available With Ubuntu

With Windows 8 now mere weeks away from launch, hardware manufacturers have been clamouring over each other to announce their latest devices geared towards running it. But what's that got to do with Ubuntu? Let's just say that if every cloud has a silver lining, then every new Windows' must come with an orange glow...

15 October 2012

Meet the NexPhone: An Ubuntu-based Smartphone, PC, Tablet and Laptop in One

Here's a name you'll be hearing a lot about in the next few months: NexPhone. The NexPhone project is simple in its premise: it's a smartphone running Ubuntu for Android that can be turned into a tablet, PC, or laptop by 'docking' the device to different hardware components.

11 September 2012

The System76 Gazelle Professional: Just How Good Is It? [Review]

The Gazelle Professional is the flagship laptop from Ubuntu computer maker's System76. I've spent the last month testing it, having blindly invested a thousand pounds into a finely tuned version of the laptop after hearing great comments about it. Was it worth the money? Read on to see...

8 September 2012

Meet The Ubuntu ‘Keyboard PC’

In the dwindling but over-crowded market of identkit desktop PCs it helps to 'stand out from the crowd'. So does computer outfit Diablotek's unimaginatively named Ubuntu-powered "Keyboard PC" have what it takes to differentiate itself?

5 September 2012

ZaReason Launch The First Linux UltraBook

Ultra in name, looks, and price, the ZaReason UltraLap 430 is the worlds first user-orientated Linux Ultrabook. Ultrabooks are a relatively new segment of the computing market. Defined (primarily) by Intel, Ultrabooks are thiner, lighter, and use less power than traditional notebooks. They also carry a premium price tag.

10 August 2012

There’s No Shortage of ASUS Ubuntu Netbooks in Italy…

Like many UK readers, I was disappointed to hear that ASUS have no plans to bring their Ubuntu-toting EeePC netbooks to the UK. But the UK is just one territory; for anyone living in Italy the news is slightly rosier. ASUS have a selection of Ubuntu-powered netbooks readily available at retail. Notebook Italia have posted a thorough run down of what can be found, where it can be bought, and for how much. But for those not fluent in the ol' Italian language, here's a handful of picks - excluding the recently announced EeePC 1225c - to turn you green with envy...

11 July 2012

ASUS: ‘No Plans’ To Release Ubuntu Netbook in the UK

The new Ubuntu 12.04 netbook from ASUS will not be released in the UK. An ASUS representative, responding to an enquiry from an OMG! Ubuntu! reader, confirmed that the company 'do not have any plans to release the 1225C in the UK.'

5 July 2012
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