Intel GPU support has been added to the Linux system monitor app Mission Center.

I’ve written about this GTK4/libadwaita app a few times in the past and, to plagiarise myself, the reaction to it has been off the charts (in a good way).

The app is written in Rust and uses OpenGL to render the animation graphs (in an effort to ensure it doesn’t cause a spike in system usage itself).

Mission Center – a visual dashboard for resource monitoring

Though on the resource usage point (as I see it come up) Mission Center isn’t the only graphical task manager-type app that uses a bit more CPU and memory than you’d expect whilst, but remember: it’s not the kind of app you run 24/7, so those demands are fleeting.

Sticking on the subject of things people mention: it hasn’t gone unnoticed that this app bears a passing similarity to the modern Task Manager in Windows. Personally, I’m not bothered by what this app is (or isn’t) inspired by: it runs on Linux, Windows Task Manager doesn’t, so that’s all I care about.

Using Mission Center you can:

  • Monitor CPU usage (overall, or per core)
  • Monitor RAM and Swap usage
  • See detailed system process info
  • See a breakdown how memory is being used by the system
  • Monitor storage usage and disk transfer rates
  • Monitor network usage and transfer speeds
  • See network interface info, including wireless speeds and IP address
  • See a breakdown of resource usage by app and process
  • Minified summary view for at-a-glance monitoring
  • Monitor GPU usage, memory, and power consumption

GPU monitoring for NVIDIA cards is powered by present for a few releases, powered by the NVTOP. But, interestingly, the latest version is able to monitor Intel GPUs as well. This gives Linux users a GUI alternative to the intel_gpu_top package.

Intel GPU monitoring in Mission Center Linux app
Intel GPU monitoring is now available

A GPU memory usage column has also been added to the Apps tab in the latest release, making it easier to see how much GPU resources running apps are consuming.

These and other changes:

  • Updated to GTK 4.12 & libadwaita 1.4
  • Performance tab is now adaptive
  • Initial Intel GPU monitoring
  • GPU memory usage column added to Apps page
  • Host virtualisation features shows in Performance tab
  • Logical CPU graphs re-arranged in a ‘more pleasing manner’

Finally, if you don’t want to install this app as a Flatpak —sacrilege! 😉— you’ll be pleased to hear you can now download a Mission Center AppImage from the project Gitlab.

The addition of an alternative packaging format is undoubtedly going to help broaden the appeal of this (already appealing) tool.

Get Mission Center on Flathub

Props 🙌🏻 QwertyChouskie